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When I saw District 9 and saw the preview for a 'big' upcoming movie based on the 2012 thing, I immediately thought of this thread.


I may not believe in the stuff, but the movie looks like it might be fun. :thumbsup:

“Things are as they are. Looking out into the universe at night, we make no comparisons between right and wrong stars, nor between well and badly arranged constellations.” – Alan Watts
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You people better stop scaring me! Plus, isn't that why it's the theory of gravity? I mean, we kind of take it for granted and it's not like we have anything better, but we still don't understand exactly how it works. As for myself, I just notice my weight increasing over the years. I take gravity for granted and figure that good ol' Newton had it right.


Newton had an approximation that works at local distances, and non-relativistic speeds (i.e. distances across Earth, and as long as you're not close to the speed of light). He didn't considered the distortion of space-time or anything (which is what we now basically define gravity to be).


Apparently gravity waves do exist, because we observe their effects in things like pulsars. These scientists are trying to observe gravity waves directly, however, as predicted by various subsets of QM and string theory, and failing.

Edited by Krezack
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