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"How To" KOTOR 2 On Vista

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This worked for me like a charm and took hours to solve the problem, but the game runs wonderful now without any crashes. (Just don't alt-tab while playing, the game doesn't like it.) Please note that I worked in a non-patched version of the game. But even with the patch there should be no random crashes except the game's original bugs.


PART 1 : INI file


Go to c:\program files\lucasarts\kotor2 and move swkotor2.ini to desktop, be sure the graphic options part is as follows :


[Graphics Options]






Frame Buffer=0

Anti Aliasing=4

Texture Quality=2


Soft Shadows=0






Sound options are as follows :



[sound Options]

Number 3D Voices=16

Number 2D Voices=24

2D3D Bias=1.00

Force Software=1


Sound Init=0

Music Volume=85

Voiceover Volume=85

Sound Effects Volume=85

Movie Volume=85

Disable Sound=0


After editing the file if required, remove it back to c:\program files\lucasarts\kotor2 folder.


PART II : NVIDIA Control panel


Go to your desktop right click and open NVIDIA control panel, now to the manage 3d settings and select global settings, change it as follows :


Anisotropic filtering : 16x

Anti-gamma : On

Antialias mode : App-cont

" - transparency : supersampling

Conformant text clamp : Use hardware

Err rep : Off

Ext. limit : off

Force mipmaps : Trilinear

Max. prerendered frames : 8

Multidisp/mix GPU : Single performance

Tex-filtering neg. bias : Clamp

Tex-filt. quality : High Q

Thread opt : off

Trip buffer : off

Vsync : force off


PART III : Registry setup


Click start, click start search, type regedit, run it. Search for "_swkotor.exe" (without commas). For me there were 3 entries and one of them is like :


[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\ControlSet001\Control\Cl ass\{4D36E968-E421-11DE-BFC1-08002BE10318}\0000]


Under this folder, you will find _swkotor.exe entry. All entries must be REG_BINARY.


Check and add these entries :


_swkotor2.exe:D3D_16579523 01 00 00 00

_swkotor2.exe:D3D_30913648 01 00 00 00

_swkotor2.exe:D3D_60461791 47 67 41 08

_swkotor2.exe:D3D_94118636 00 00 00 00

_swkotor2.exe:D3DOGL_03385531 02 00 00 00

_swkotor2.exe:D3DOGL_12677978 60 16 62 51

_swkotor2.exe:D3DOGL_67207556 11 00 00 00

_swkotor2.exe:D3DOGL_70835937 27 00 32 22

_swkotor2.exe:D3DOGL_74095213 10 00 00 10

_swkotor2.exe:OGL_25631692 02 00 00 00

_swkotor2.exe:OGL_DefaultSwapInterval ff ff ff ff

_swkotor2.exe:OGL_ExtensionStringVersion 00 00 00 00

_swkotor2.exe:OGL_TexClampBehavior 00 00 00 00

_swkotor2.exe:OGL_ThreadControl 02 00 00 00

_swkotor2.exe:OGL_TripleBuffer 01 00 00 00


: D (with no gap changes to smile)


Close the registry editor, restart your computer and goodbye crashes... I believe OGL_ThreadControl is the critical point here. But to be sure I write all entries. Also changing all _swkotor2.exe entries to _swkotor.exe solves kotor 1 crashes, you may add them as seperate entries.


Also I changed my swkotor.ini file as follows :



[Graphics Options]



Frame Buffer=0

Anti Aliasing=4

Texture Quality=2



Soft Shadows=0









PART IV : Bad TDR, Bad TDR...


This is an application for graphics drivers. When a driver stops responding, vista resets the device driver so the system continues stable. But the problem is old games sometimes stops responding naturally and vista thinks the game crashed. There is a fix for that problem incase your problem consists of this :


start regedit and go to [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\ControlSet001\Control\Gr aphicsDrivers], add a new REG_DWORD entry as


TdrDdiDelay 120

TdrDelay 60


Close regedit.




Somehow these changes requires restarting the computer to take effect.




Start your game in SP2 compability mode. Old mss32.dll is required also.


The game starts in windowed mode, but when you changed the resolution from the graphic options, it turns to fullscreen.


You should try turning on frame buffer effects and shadows as well from the ini file (Just set them to 1). I didn't care so I didn't try. But you may if it is important for you.


The game is also buggy and rarely crashes to desktop after these settings so save often. Good game although, or may be best...


RESULT : NVIDIA Drivers somehow sucks...




Change your vista theme to classic to turn off windows aero subsytem. Also close the sidebar. As an option use CPU-control program and direct all processes to CPU1 incase you are using dualcore cpus.





This only should be tinkered with if all else fails, editing the ini can lead to huge issues if not done right.


1 Tip: Put your Nvidia Control panel on "let the application decide"


""Savior, conqueror, hero, villain. You are all things, Revan

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I'd just like to say a huge thanks to Bass-GameMaster.


My son has a new PC and was forced to play on my PC because I couldn't get it working on his Vista machine.

You've allowed me to get on with what I want to do as he can now play as much as he wants without kicking me off my machine :)


Thanks again.


btw - I didn't need the securom support - it was just that DLL

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  • 2 weeks later...

I have tried everything. I use Vista and an NVIDIA GeForce card. I've done the business with the ms32.dll thing. I also tried the suggested .ini thing above and got nothing. And, yes, I've tried contacting securom, but they said it wasn't their problem. What happens is after the game starts up and goes past "Lucasarts" and "KOTOR2" (i.e. before it even reaches the main menu) I get a black screen and error message. Help please! I haven't heard of anyone else who's had this problem.

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I have tried everything. I use Vista and an NVIDIA GeForce card. I've done the business with the ms32.dll thing. I also tried the suggested .ini thing above and got nothing. And, yes, I've tried contacting securom, but they said it wasn't their problem. What happens is after the game starts up and goes past "Lucasarts" and "KOTOR2" (i.e. before it even reaches the main menu) I get a black screen and error message. Help please! I haven't heard of anyone else who's had this problem.



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What kind of hardware are you running the game on?

“He who joyfully marches to music in rank and file has already earned my contempt. He has been given a large brain by mistake, since for him the spinal cord would surely suffice.” - Albert Einstein

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My system spec are vista pro acer aspire 5920 intel centrino duo 2.00 Ghz 2.00 gigs of ram. well over qualified to play KotOR2 And ive done everything:

got new patches and new no cd cracks and changed the to to the old .dll from KotOR and run in compatibility mode service pack 2 and no matter what i do I cant get past the intro video cause after that it says KotOR2 not responding and ends the program and im out of options and dont know what do do so if anyone can make any suggestions it would help

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Hi... I have a problem with the game.


Ive installed the game correctly and got to run it perfectly. The thing is when I am trying to play. After I create the character and put skills, etc, there is this Star Wars typical presnetation in the game, after this, I suppose the game starts. Well the thing is that just after the presentation finishes, the game stops working and i get the message which says KOTOR 2 has stopped working, etc etc.


Ive tried lowering the resolution, disabling the sound, downloading the Mss32.dll file and pasting where it should go and still the game does not work.





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My system spec are vista pro acer aspire 5920 intel centrino duo 2.00 Ghz 2.00 gigs of ram. well over qualified to play KotOR2 And ive done everything:

got new patches and new no cd cracks and changed the to to the old .dll from KotOR and run in compatibility mode service pack 2 and no matter what i do I cant get past the intro video cause after that it says KotOR2 not responding and ends the program and im out of options and dont know what do do so if anyone can make any suggestions it would help


I have the same proplem with KotOR II as well.

Acer's are a pain in the butt.

I have the same model with 3gb ram and I have the same problem running on Vista.


Never mess with your hard drive with Acer, it will make it so u would have to reinstall with the restore disk, but will fail you will then have to send in for repair, and pay for the shipping aswell.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Ok. I have just registered to tell all of you how i got Kotor 2 working on my laptop (vista 64 ultimate) so that it runs without the disk. (Hope this helps some people. I don't condone using this if you don't own the origional game)


1. I installed the game like you would normally do. (Meaning no compatibility mode, No running in windowed mode, ect. Just install.)

2. I applied the official international update patch that can be found on the lucasarts website here http://www.lucasarts.com/support/. Just scroll down until you find it. (The us patch is available from here too.)

3. After the patch had updated the game i copied the Mss32.dll into the kotor 2 game directory and replaced the origional.

4. I then downloaded the nocd crack from a well known crack website. First word starts with G, middle word starts with C and it ends with world. ;) It is the second link from the top.

5. I copied the exe into the kotor 2 directory.

6. I then restarted the computer. (must do!!!!)

7. I then ran the game and set the screen rez to 1024/768


Note : When the game starts on my laptop (my rez is 1400/900) so it starts in a windowed mode. To get full screen (if running higher than 1024/768), all you need to do is right click on the window in the taskbar and select maximise. (strange thing is, the first time it ran in full screen mode without doing this :ermm:.

While playing the game, when it switches to and from the videos (as I have not updated them to the hi rez yet) the screen filckers and i get a flash of my desktop. This is fine, as once it has done this it goes back to the game.)


The first time i tried to install and play this it did not work. I got the same errors as many people here like the nvidia driver is out of date, there is no cd in the drive. All that kind of crap. I even tried the mini image which came to no avail. But ever scince I reinstalled it, I have not got any problems. This is the way that worked for me and I hope it helps some people get it runnig on their computers and laptops. (Not sure if this method works with the us patch)


So far i have had 1 problem with it running. The only problem was my character started running in circles when i wanted to move forward. But getting to a new area sorted that problem. Apart from that everything is runnig fine.



Alienware Laptop

Vista 64 bit ultimate

Intel dual core 2.4ghz processor

2Gb ram + 500Mb turbo cache

Nvidia 8600m gt


I have also turned the user acount control off (don't know if it make a difference, just peronally annoying)


I only registered to post this as it took me all day to get it to work, trying various methods, including using deamon tools. I know how annoying it is, knowing it works with the cd, but you dont want to have to put it in all the time just to play it. That is why I have posted here as I know there are people like me here who dont want to damage their disks.

If all attempts fail at the nocd crack....... Use the disk.


I know that people have mentioned that the game does not run on itergrated graphics. But if you try this method (or others) and get it working and you have intergrated graphics. Please post and tell the good people here, how you done it and what you are running. After all. It is only courteous to do so.



Sorry its so long.

Edited by MINZEZ
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  • 2 months later...

ok, i just registered just for this specific reason.



this guide helped me out infinately!!

without it i would have been forced to resort to asking my dad to help me out, and then he would have found out that i have guessed the administrator password which is his only means of control over my computer usage.

THANK YOU once again!


your time has not been wasted *thumbs up*

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ok, i just registered just for this specific reason.



this guide helped me out infinately!!

without it i would have been forced to resort to asking my dad to help me out, and then he would have found out that i have guessed the administrator password which is his only means of control over my computer usage.

THANK YOU once again!


your time has not been wasted *thumbs up*



ahem.. well... its still not working even though i've done everything you have said...

sooo, maybe that was a lil too soon =P

where on the link in the first post is the place where i download the mss32.dll file? i cant seem to find it.

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Email me with your issues, too many forums to keep up with at the moment.


Im a mod here, tech support there, and so on.


And some of them pay. (nothing personal if I didnt reply to you)



still Surprised this never got stickied, hell id even clean it up a bit.

Edited by Bass-GameMaster


""Savior, conqueror, hero, villain. You are all things, Revan

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I have repeatedly clicked on the link that was provided in the first post on this thread and all it does is take me to the home page of the website where the new dll is located. I can't seem to find the new file. I love KOTOR II and want to play it on my Vista-32 PC. Can anyone help?

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Ok im going to make this topic here because despite the FAQ topic some people are just to lazy to constantly click each link... so I will help everyone here by posting a STEP BY STEP guide on how to make sure you can keep your KOTOR 2 running on vista.

1. Insert CD 1.

2. Open Start>My Computer>Kotor 2 and right click on "setup".

3. Go to properties and Run as admin and also run as Windows XP OR Windows 2000 (they both seem to work similar, but Ive had better gameplay on 2000.)

4. Install it, install the rest of the disks regularly..

5. Right click on the desktop icon and repeat step 3

6. Run the game, you will most likely get an error. (if not then keep playing)

7. Now you must download a new ms32.dll file.. (the orginal is located in My Computer>Program Files>Lucas Arts>KOTOR 2. Make sure you copy it and put it in a easy to find folder for further use of the one you downloaded doesn't work.)

8. Click Here

9. Now that you have downloaded the file, replace it with the newr mss32.dll file (location is in step 7)

10. Run the game and you quote on quote "shouldnt" have any errors.

Now if you still are having errors which happens alot.. there is one more solution.

This involves contacting support@securom.com

Send them an email saying something like this... "my kotor 2 is messing up can you send me a new kotor2.exe."

They will send you an email about what to do to send them a "Analysis" (helps them determine if you need it)

Follow the instructions using the same subject they replied to you with in your new email to them, attach the analysis file and send.

In no time you will receive a new KOTOR2.exe.

1. Now open up My Computer>PRogram Files>Lucas Art>KOTOR 2.

2. look for the old KOTOR2.exe now copy and move that file to a different location for easy access.

3. replace it with the new kotor2.exe provided by support@securom.com and right click it and run as admin/xp-service pack2-3 or windows 2000.

4. Now double click the game and play normally.


I have now listed all possible ways of making sure kotor 2 can run on vista.


this might sound retarded but i click on the Computer thingy and theres my hard drvie and whatever disk it is, i click on my hard drive and theres no "Program files" folder there....any help?

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Ok im going to make this topic here because despite the FAQ topic some people are just to lazy to constantly click each link... so I will help everyone here by posting a STEP BY STEP guide on how to make sure you can keep your KOTOR 2 running on vista.

1. Insert CD 1.

2. Open Start>My Computer>Kotor 2 and right click on "setup".

3. Go to properties and Run as admin and also run as Windows XP OR Windows 2000 (they both seem to work similar, but Ive had better gameplay on 2000.)

4. Install it, install the rest of the disks regularly..

5. Right click on the desktop icon and repeat step 3

6. Run the game, you will most likely get an error. (if not then keep playing)

7. Now you must download a new ms32.dll file.. (the orginal is located in My Computer>Program Files>Lucas Arts>KOTOR 2. Make sure you copy it and put it in a easy to find folder for further use of the one you downloaded doesn't work.)

8. Click Here

9. Now that you have downloaded the file, replace it with the newr mss32.dll file (location is in step 7)

10. Run the game and you quote on quote "shouldnt" have any errors.

Now if you still are having errors which happens alot.. there is one more solution.

This involves contacting support@securom.com

Send them an email saying something like this... "my kotor 2 is messing up can you send me a new kotor2.exe."

They will send you an email about what to do to send them a "Analysis" (helps them determine if you need it)

Follow the instructions using the same subject they replied to you with in your new email to them, attach the analysis file and send.

In no time you will receive a new KOTOR2.exe.

1. Now open up My Computer>PRogram Files>Lucas Art>KOTOR 2.

2. look for the old KOTOR2.exe now copy and move that file to a different location for easy access.

3. replace it with the new kotor2.exe provided by support@securom.com and right click it and run as admin/xp-service pack2-3 or windows 2000.

4. Now double click the game and play normally.


I have now listed all possible ways of making sure kotor 2 can run on vista.

every time i click on the link it sends to the webistes home page...again any help?

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I've followed your instructions to the letter but it still won't run. Although I am running Windows 7 RC1 64 Bit and not Vista. I get nothing when I try to run KOTOR 2, no error messages at all. Nothing. >_< Good thing I have a dual boot with Windows XP on another drive. :)


OS Name Microsoft Windows 7 Ultimate

Version 6.1.7100 Build 7100

Other OS Description Not Available

OS Manufacturer Microsoft Corporation

System Name ERIC-PC

System Type x64-based PC

Processor AMD Athlon 7750 Dual-Core Processor, 2712 Mhz, 2 Core(s), 2 Logical Processor(s)

BIOS Version/Date Phoenix Technologies, LTD ASUS M2N SLI ACPI BIOS Revision 0903, 6/18/2008

SMBIOS Version 2.4

Windows Directory C:\Windows

System Directory C:\Windows\system32

Boot Device \Device\HarddiskVolume1

Locale United States

Hardware Abstraction Layer Version = "6.1.7100.0"

User Name Eric-PC\Eric

Time Zone Central Daylight Time

Installed Physical Memory (RAM) 4.00 GB

Total Physical Memory 3.75 GB

Available Physical Memory 2.04 GB

Total Virtual Memory 7.50 GB

Available Virtual Memory 5.84 GB

Page File Space 3.75 GB

Page File C:\pagefile.sys

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