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No or Limited Connectivity


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Okay, here's the story:


I was busy lalalalaing and surfing the internet yesterday at around 6:30 PM. Then I had to go to basketball. After coming home from basketball, my computer was telling me I had "No or Limited Connectivity." My roommate mentioned we had lost the internet, and rebooting the computer seemed to work fine for him. It did not work for me however!!!


As far as I can tell, I lost the internet without doing anything (since I wasn't even home). I've tried all sorts of stuff like rebooting, disabling/enabling the onboard ethernet connection, repairing (about a billion times), switching ports on the Hub (not a router! Just a Hub) and all sorts of fun stuff like that.


Things work fine on my roommate's computer (which I am sending this message on), but I have had no luck the past day trying to get my internet connection to work.


I'm going to borrow an old network card from my Dad and see how that goes, but that won't be until later this evening.






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sounds like whatever took your 'net down dragged your nic with it. if switching ports did not help, more than likely the issue is on your pooter. one worthwhile check is to open up a command window and enter


ipconfig /release


then follow it with


ipconfig /renew


which will force your pooter to attempt to get a new IP addy (i've found that rebooting does not always sufficiently do this).



comrade taks... just because.

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i should add, the two most unreliable components in any system are almost always a) router/hub and b) nic. i'm not sure why because i've never actually looked at what they do, but i almost never have a hub/router make it more than 6 months to a year before at least one port is dead, and i've lost a few nics as well.



comrade taks... just because.

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Tried the ipconfig commands to no avail. I also tried


netsh winsock reset


which didn't work.


So I figured, what the hey, time to reformat anyways. Which still didn't fix the problem.



I know the hub/cable/port are fine, because I tested it on my roommate's computer. Leads me to believe that there is something pooched with my computer. Strange though, because I have two Ethernet jacks in the back, and neither of them are working (same problem). Going to pick up a backup NIC and see what that does for me. If that doesn't work, I'm going to test my internet with a different ISP.

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Turns out the problem was on my ISP's side. I overlooked a troubleshooting situation, which was REMOVE my roommate from the network, reset the modem, and see if I can get the internet.


Turns out the second IP we have was dead, and they had to reprovision it. Oh well, my computer was due for a reformat anyways. It was behaving erratically for the past 5 months or so.

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oh, i did not realize you had two separate IPs from your ISP. i'm used to the router solution, and i only have one assigned IP from my ISP. the router deals with the local IPs.



comrade taks... just because.

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*rising sense of panic*


Alanschu lost the internets!

"It wasn't lies. It was just... bull****"."

             -Elwood Blues


tarna's dead; processing... complete. Disappointed by Universe. RIP Hades/Sand/etc. Here's hoping your next alt has a harp.

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