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MTW2 - Kingdoms XP

Monte Carlo

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Yeah, "kingmaking" is difficult in M2TW. Unfortunately, you can't designate the faction heir like you could in Rome. Best thing to do to get rid of your "bad seeds" is to have him go out in a blaze of glory against some rebels somewhere. Hopefully the next successor to the throne is more Richard and less John.


I usually have my "bad seeds" join a crusade - they get alot of Chivalry points, command points and law bonuses - makes them very valurable in a "short" amount of time .. and if their are somewhat disloyal they usually gain 2-3 points there as well due to being so chivalours..


Besides it's all the more Epic when Roger the Honourable meets Jebe the Tyrant. :(

I once played a campaign as Sicily-- if you play it right, you can get an alliance with His Hatness on turn 1 and a crusade against Tunis shortly thereafter. I put every one of my generals into the crusading army, and took the fortress after a few short turns. My entire royal family got at 5-6 command stars, piety ranks, and chivalry ranks inside of 10 turns. It was beautiful.



Has the expansion done anything to adjust the purchase price of territories? (Not the bribery cost-- I mean the price you get if you offer to buy/sell provinces in diplomacy.) They came far too cheaply in the vanilla game. I recall that the optimum opening move for every Italian faction was to buy Bologna from the HRE for about 1000 septims over 7 or so turns. This gives you a city that will earn at least that much (even unimproved), plus a stack of free mercenary x-bows that you can turn against your fellow Italians.

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I did almost the same thing in my current campaign as Sicily, although it was Florence that was the target of attack and I only took half my generals. Perfect start. :bat:


Has the expansion done anything to adjust the purchase price of territories?


I doubt it, since the expansion does little to nothing to improve the vanilla Grand Campaign.

Fortune favors the bald.

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WELL I played a little more in my campaign and managed to get myself excommunicated by having an aggresive defense with the Spaniards and the Sicilians. So far I've just been funneling troops into Spain with only one army actually headed towards the Italian peninsula in order to force the Sicilians to back off. From what I can tell they've pretty much beaten the Venetians until they couldn't see strait while I was busy working on my economy. Pompolona and Zaregoza have both fallen quickly then came the "make friends or excommunication" letter which failed when they attacked me again so my second army began to move again (I was hoping only to have to fight the Sicilians but that didn't work out to well) in on their next city in the north while another set of troops gets stripped out of my safer provinces in order for me to send a force to Valencia.

Victor of the 5 year fan fic competition!


Kevin Butler will awesome your face off.

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The Retro Fit mod actually makes the AI more reliable - I've kept my alliance with France for the entire game, even though we have borders right next to each other - and they keep the borders free of troops. Enemies are more persistent (no cease fire while they have troops besieging your cities) and they keep their peace unless they have a good reason to go to war. Maybe it's the 1.03 update, but I recommend installing Retro Fit it if you have Kindgoms.

Fortune favors the bald.

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