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Web Browser Dictionary Problem


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I just added a word to the dictionary that I did not want added. I have not the knowledge of how to undo my mistake. You all probably know. Your help would be appreciated. I use the latest Firefox web browser, if that makes a difference in your answer (because I know some of you will just tell me to reformat my hard drive and stop using computers forever).

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Blanky has obviously been a very naughty young grasshopper by unleashing his dic upon strange and fantastical articulations never previously conceived before. Unfortunately, there really isn't a readily available remedy for this sort shenanigan, and prevention is widely considered the best cure...however, the Donmeister is not without deviant practices of his own:

  • Close down firefox;
  • Locate this directory if using XP: C:\Documents and Settings\[user Name]\Application Data\Mozilla\Firefox\Profiles\xxxxxxxx.default\
  • If using Vista then pay a visit to: C:\users\[user Name]\AppData\Roaming\Mozilla\Firefox\Profiles\xxxxxxxx.default\
  • In your designated profile, locate the "persdict.dat" file, right click on it, and open with wordpad/textpad etc.
  • As this list contains all the various diction trollops of your previous escapades, merely locate the entry in question, then delete it and save the file.

Failing that, merely box it up and send it back to the manufacturer. Then you've got a better chance at getting your money back...or perhaps an even exchange.




This help-o-mercial production has been brought to you by Don Jaguar, Inc. Defer all mandatory payments to 666 Thunderdome St, Palm Springs, CA, 92264. Now accepting hominal retainers as payment. Discover card not accepted.

Edited by jaguars4ever
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