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Uploading songs?

Jorian Drake

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jorian, the player is controlled by a code that you insert into your webpage document. If you don't demand streaming audio and have upload permissions to your webserver, you don't need a secondary website to achieve what you want. Just upload the file to your server and use the simple embed command to insert the WMplayer. Have the code point to your file location and use it to control the players size and auto-play functions etc. You can Google the embed command, there's all kinds of yakkity yak about it.



<embed type="application/x-mplayer2" src="http://your/file/address" name="MediaPlayer" height="42" width="300" ShowControls=1 ShowDisplay=0 ShowStatusBar=0 autostart=0 autorewind=0 ShowPositionControls=1></embed>

Notice the height parameter is set small enough to only show the controls, not the whole video box of WMP, since you only want to play audio files.

This generally works for IE and Firefox, but as always, maybe not 100% all users depending on what they're using etc.


If you want a fancier more modern player, ala Flash or something, or streaming audio, that's something different, isn't always free or simple, and I can't help you there, as I'm cheap & lazy and haven't yet bothered to go beyond basic embedding beyond a little research. :teehee:"


A secondary-site's player code may be less user-flexible options wise than what you could do yourself - that's up to the website, what player they use, and how they've arranged things. If you have a choice, IMO it's always better to do it yourself/be in control. I don't know of any music sites ala Youtube...sorry.

“Things are as they are. Looking out into the universe at night, we make no comparisons between right and wrong stars, nor between well and badly arranged constellations.” – Alan Watts
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I think the word you are looking for is "streaming". Then it is up to LadyCrimson, if she is willing to add viewing of gallery items using "object" or "embed" tag for gallery items. Or even go as far as installing a Flash audio streaming player or implementing her own YouTube. :shifty:

this post gets 'the least understanded award' from me for this year. :*


Really, I didn't understand it, whats up to Lady Crimson again!? :o

Maybe you should give up, then, as web programming seems to be beyond your comprehension. :yes:




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