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T3 missing on Telos

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Hi guys, i'm new here and i could really use you're help.

On telos, i can't find T3 and because of that after i board Ebon Hawk with Kreia, Atton and Bao Dur the game crashes. I can't use the map, i can't play the hologram, the ship is incomplete and i can't use anything.

All of this because i can't find T3 on Telos before aboarding Ebon Hawk. I've found only those 3 guys but there is no trace of T3.

My question is: where should i search ? Note that not even on Perragus T3 wasn't to be found but he appeared onboard after leaving Perragus. That's the last time i see him.

Please don't kill me for asking you're help. I will be indebted for any help i can get.

Edited by [ro]Spider
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On Peragus you lose contact with T3 when HK-50 blows him up with an ion charge, you find him after the Harbinger, in the fuel line. On Telos he gets confiscated by Grenn and stolen by Handmaidens shortly after, along with the Ebon Hawk, you find him sitting in a force cage in the ice accademy, by the hangar, you can't escape him, if he's not there I fear you've got a bugged script.

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Thank you for replying my topic. What should i do in this case (bugged script) ? I wouldn't want to start the game from the beginning >_<

Can i repair this error by replacing any files ? If so, please give me a usefull link

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Thank you for replying my topic. What should i do in this case (bugged script) ? I wouldn't want to start the game from the beginning >_<
hmm, it could be a number of possible scripts, provided he really is in the party table no more, and I never heard of this particular bug, I would advise you to check out Holowan Labs and ask there for a modder to fix this for you if you're not a modder yourself. But first, tell me, when you go to the party selection screen, do you see T3's portrait? Maybe is just not selectable, in that case his equipment and levelups are not lost. Oh and by the way, welcome.
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I'm afraid i'm not a modder. T3 doesn't appear not even in the party selection screen
It looks like you have to make a choice, the quick way is that you tell me a single force power you have and I'll rewrite a script so that when you activate that power T3 becomes available again (then you just save the game, quit the game, remove the file from your override folder and run the game again), but beware, that way probably leads to the same trouble the next time you play through, it doesn't fix anything. Or you may take the longer road: you ask Holowan Labs. It should be really a simple trick to fix this but one would have to guess what's the faulty script, maybe someone there knows something about this already, give it a try.
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Assuming your playing on a PC you could try uninstalling the game, then re-installing it. The save games don't get deleted unless you select that option during uninstall, so if you uninstall then reinstall the savegames will still be there, and if the problem is a missing link that might solve the problem. Or you could go take a look and see if there is an autosave from before you enter the academy-the game normally autosaves just before you go in. If there is an earlier save it might be worth loading that up and seeing if that solves the problem.

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Try reloading a previous same game? Auto saves always save my ass, especially on the Telos polar Academy thing, there is an incredible amount of glitches on that, and I have only experienced them through my last play, and I have played it numerous times. I was fortunate enough to have basically a bug free game first time around, or atleast I didnt notice it.

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Guys, I have no mods installed. First time when i encountered this problem i didn't had the updates. So i reinstalled the game and updated to 210427. The thing is i didn't wanted to start all over again so i used the last autosave.

Is there any way to solve my problem without starting the game from the begining ?

The fact is that i had only one backup - the autosave, because before i made the update the game loaded only that. My saved games or quicksave crashed the game.

Could any of you guys send me a saved game from telos academy or after boarding ebon hawk ? I will then modify it with savegame editor

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My opinion is to start a new game. Since you're just Telos, so I think it takes about 1 to 2 hours to hit Telos. Why don't you erase all save games and replay it?


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I agree, I'd reinstall the game and start fresh. K2 isn't known for being the most stable game out there, so even if you manage to find a workaround for this particular problem, there is no telling what kind of trouble this could cause in the future.

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[ro]spider: You can always use KSE (KotOR Save Editor) to jump to the level that is after the level the game crashes for you. :)


And with that, "jump over the bug."


I mean no harm.


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