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Do you like WW2 grand strategy naval wargames?


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On the plus side, I don't remember my plan either! :D



I like Coop as well, but it just doesn't exist as much any more. And I definitely am unaware of coop in WW2 strategy games.


Too bad a game like Silent Hunter 3 doesn't have good coop. It'd be fun being a mini wolfpack.

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Well, there's HoI2.


But really, time is a commodity nowadays. The last time I've coop'ed HoI2 with Nick was, what, 2 months ago?


PBEM sounds good on paper, but finding the time everyday is a big difficult. And it's not something I just want to blow off in 5-min a day, either, otherwise the point of PBEM would be moot in the first place.


As it is, I really need to set aside a large gaming session of a few hours whenever I want to play a wargame. Less than that and it feels a bit unsatisfying. Unfortunately, it's hard to come up with that time.


My small spurts of free time are being taking up by casual handheld gaming =]


(Approved by Fio, so feel free to use it)

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Handheld gaming eh? =]



HOI2 can be coop...ish.


It'd be interesting to play two teams against each other. The big problem with WW2 games, especially ones that allow a build up, is the metagaming. Hard to compete when America is already building up a million infantry divisions prior to war.

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Well, HoI2 is too grand strategy-focused.


Coop could be more interesting in more operational or tactical games.


The next generation of CM's, for example, will have coop (but not the first one, only 1v1). The engine is designed for pure real-time gameplay, with optional segmental 60-sec pauses as in current titles. Coop with each player having a limited amount of units (and info, etc) would be nice, especially the way they're thinking of integrating communication/VoIP. Eg. time delays depending on location, supply, etc.


(Approved by Fio, so feel free to use it)

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Heh, Allan the jerk-troll seems to be making enemies by agreeing with someone that commented about how the price was atypically high for a game that was 2.5 years old.


The typical argument is that "Well, when you get it, you won't buy other games, and you'll play it for many years," so I figured I'd ask if they felt that Starcraft and Half-Life were better games.  Waiting for the fireworks to explode out of that one!



Go Here if you wish to see grognards defend themselves.  I wonder if this will hurt my chances to get a PBEM game :p

They're all too busy congratulating themselves on their own similarities (i.e. the heads are firmly up their own behinds) to argue responsibly.


I think you showed excellent restraint to try to win-over a PBEM game; I think the only chance you've got, though, is if you piss someone off enough that they want to beat you. :)"




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The problem I find is that their saying "if you're a grognard, you'll get the game." But I don't consider myself a grognard, and I still got the game. And I'm enjoying it.



Even for the faults the AI has, it's still fun firebombing Rangoon in preparation for a land assault.

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Well, the first of January has come and gone, which means that the Americans have finally made some improvements on their torpedoes. Any torpedoes with a dud rate of 50% or greater (i.e. American Torpedoes), improved their dud rate by 20%. And that means that the craptacular torpedoes that the submarines had, have gone from 80% duds to 60% duds! Most have gone from 50% to 30%. Later this year, the improvements will put all of my torpedoes above 20% dude rate (i.e. American torpedoes) to a dud rate of 10%(!!!!) which should significantly help both my sub operations, as well as carrier operations.





Word on the street at Matrix games is that WitP is actually quite playable COOP!


Hmmm, vewy vewy intewesting.

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I don't know if it's actually the case, or just my confirmation bias, but my submarines seem to be wreaking more havoc along the Japanese shipping lanes. Another huge shipment of troops heading to Brisbane from San Francisco. Time to retake those Dutch East Indies.



I did some experimenting with the Japanese, and it looks like the logistics side of things will be a lot of fun. Have to keep the factories in Japan fed with Oil and Resources, and then take the fuel and supplies they make back out to the colonies!

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It seems more HOI2ish, but set in more modern times (I wouldn't say futuristic necessarily).


Though the level of detail is a bit more in depth when it comes to unit movements compared to HOI2. When you move your units across the border, you see them expand the border and whatnot.


I mention it because some guys at the WitP forum suggested it when I asked about coop MP strategy games.



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I did some experimenting with the Japanese, and it looks like the logistics side of things will be a lot of fun.  Have to keep the factories in Japan fed with Oil and Resources, and then take the fuel and supplies they make back out to the colonies!

That'll be why they took Malaysia so quickly; apparently the troops were all on bicycles down the Malay peninsula. ^_^




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Rubber is abstracted into the generic "resources." As a result, those places are also high in resources. Japan MUST capture those places in order to fuel the industry of Japan, Siam, Indochina, China, and to a lesser extent Malaya.

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I remember when I discovered how important it was to Britain: think about all the uses for rubber, and then note that it is a very scarce resource. I think Malaysia is about the only place in the world where there are mass robber plants.


It's not so important now, since petroleum products have taken over a lot of the roles, but for the eighteenth and nineteenth century it was a war-winner.




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I remember when I discovered how important it was to Britain: think about all the uses for rubber, and then note that it is a very scarce resource. I think Malaysia is about the only place in the world where there are mass robber plants.


It's not so important now, since petroleum products have taken over a lot of the roles, but for the eighteenth and nineteenth century it was a war-winner.

mass ROBBER plants? guys with uzi's and ski masks are grown there?

Victor of the 5 year fan fic competition!


Kevin Butler will awesome your face off.

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Well, I just got absolutely slaughtered in an engagement just west of Wake Island. It seems as though the Japanese have taken offense to my carriers raiding their convoy lanes, and had a Carrier task force with at least 5 carriers in it. The CV Hornet, CV Wasp, and BB South Dakota were all sunk, and the task force escorts are decimated, and likely to not survive another encounter.


CV Saratoga and Enterprise are nearby, but they are retiring to Australia. CV Lexington and Yorktown, with two CVEs and 3 battleships are in the area, and will switch their operations to carrier hunting.


New keels for a new CV Wasp and CV Hornet have been laid down, but I won't get them for another 500 days or so. No replacement for the South Dakota.

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It's not too bad. 3 of the ships lost will be replaced. Two carriers (and better quality Essex-class carriers), and a Cleveland class Cruiser.



I did get some torpedo blasts in, which may sink something before it gets back to port. Maybe not. Japanese damage control is hideous compared to the Allies though, so I may still get some ships sinking.


I did kill pilots though, and the pilots would have been highly experienced. Japan doesn't get much for trained pilots, and their level of training gradually goes down as the war goes on. I'd declare it a victory for Japan, but not as significant as they may have wanted. Operationally, and strategically, I am still winning.



I just captured Rangoon, and Burma is almost completely liberated. UK battleships are now operating out of Rangoon, and the close proximity to many Japanese bases lets them do bombardments by night, and return safely to port before sunrise. Limited vulnerability to Japanese aircraft! Troops are currently preparing to clean up the rest of the area, and soon I'll have land based aircraft (LBA) able to patrol the Gulf of Siam, and tips of the South China Sea. I'll also be able to attack industry, and resource centers.

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