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Hello everybody, in spite of the fact I've never really used this forums, I play KotOR I and II since their launch.

I finished the game in many ways, and I was wondering if it is wrong to finish the game now using cheats to achieve some story I was basing my gameplay on. It's like giving a lightsaber to my PC and Kreia early at Peragus and putting some exotic feats at my char. I want it to be movie-style, so i put it early on (even as jedi sentinel) with lightsaber specialization and set my repair to 20 (it's not even class skill) so it would be fitting to the kind of character i want (reminding somewhat anakin skywalker).

I think this is what RPGing is all about isn't it?

"Be mindful of the currents of the living Force; to do one's duty is not always to do right. Concern yourself with the right action. Let duty take care of itself."

-Qui-Gon's voice to Anakin Skywalker




RPGing is all about playing a character - with all the faults that entail! not bending the rules (or cheating) to create someone you want to play .. that's powergaming!


but in a computergame it's often quite difficult to truely play a complete character - since the media is restrictive..


Cheating to discover aspects of the game is ok imo, as long as you've finished it several times before! but you are still bending the game to fill your needs - since you are breaking with the story and rules..

Fortune favors the bald.


Use the KSE so you dont completly screw it up, because it isnt too easy when your setting up your characters feats, attributes ect. with an invisible console.

Posted (edited)

I like role playing. :)

I don't think your in it for the powergaming aspect, for it sounds like your trying to blend what you see the Exile as with what the game lets you do. :) For example: If The Exile says "I worked a lot with Droids," you might want to tweak Repair at the beginning to make your character reflect that aspect of his or her past. Am I right?

Could you justify having a light-saber or high tier powers so early in the game, and not feel the plot or experience is cheapened?



I think it's odd that the Exile only had an armband and a few credits in the container. I wouldn't put a light-saber in there, but maybe some modified armour, or just some clothes.... something that is personal to the character like Atton's jacket, and Mira's Rocket Launcher.


I agree with Rosbjerg about using cheats after finishing many times to find previously unfindable places or items.

Edited by Purgatorio



Hmm you were able to translate in a somewhat simple way what i was trying to say purgatorio. But, hell, yeah that what i'm talking about... if i worked with droids, then i get repair, maybe a little computer, if i was a jedi then, hell i should have some awareness and maybe persuade and treat injury. Not some stupid amounts, but a few of each. Also, i could add, without ruining the experience, lightsaber specialization, why, i was a jedi GENERAL in the wars dammit. To start with lightsaber i agree, its kinda cheap.

"Be mindful of the currents of the living Force; to do one's duty is not always to do right. Concern yourself with the right action. Let duty take care of itself."

-Qui-Gon's voice to Anakin Skywalker




:o OMG I was right! ;)

It is strange... I get the Tech related feats first because they are needed more in the beginning. Also I think the Exile was working repairing Droids, and since he was just doing menial repairs (in exile) skills like that don't have to be that advanced. As for the other skills, I think that being alone and somewhat removed from conflict they weren't used so often therefore they were weakened from disuse. Light-saber specialization is that a second level do Sentinels get the highest? ( I don't play as a Sentinel.... No Force Jump :D )

Anyway that's how I reason the lacking abilities in the beginning.... so it has a link with the made up or implied back-story. :rolleyes: Yeah. :)



If it doesn't bother you, nothing wrong with using some cheats/editors if that's what you enjoy/want to do, for whatever reasons. I like to use them after a while just to be able to mess around with things without having to replay the entire game...number crunching, experimenting, and just plain goofing off, as it were. :p

“Things are as they are. Looking out into the universe at night, we make no comparisons between right and wrong stars, nor between well and badly arranged constellations.” – Alan Watts

If game glitches and bugs are somehow leaving you stuck in game, cheats and editors can help as another option. Of course, one can try enabling them without playing through, except that fun might be reduced a bit.

Deep from within...


Victims live a life of fantasy.


Some see salvation as an act of God, a few look within for it.




I usually find that if I cheat before finishing a game, I get extremely bored with it and never finishes it.. so I'm reluctant to use trainers, cheats etc - since I usually want to finish the game I'm playing! ^_^

Fortune favors the bald.

Posted (edited)

Sometimes I enjoy goofing around with cheats but any time I sit down to play the game beginning to end 'seriously' I don't use cheats.


I did do it once though. I love RPGs that allow you to take a character from one game to another so after beating KoTOR 1, I wrote down all of the statistics I had, exp level, stats etc, and then used various cheats to give myself all the points and stats I had in KoTOR 1.


It made no sense that the Exile was recieving all of Revan's power from the first game... but oh well it was fun. :blink: Quantum Leap kind of situation. :p"


Since you have already beat the game multiple times, I say go ahead and use any cheat you want if you think it will add to the enjoyment. I sometimes use 'fair' cheats in games I've beaten. For instance, in Quake IV, an update came out that adds a new gun to the game in multiplayer mode. The weapon works perfectly fine in single player, so I use a cheat to aquire the weapon during breaks in the story where you stop at the command ship. Then I start the next group of levels with this cool new gun which I wouldn't have access to otherwise. Harmless cheat IMHO.

Edited by GreasyDogMeat

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