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BioWare on the 'Broken' Game Industry


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GamedailyBiz interviews the Doctors.


"You have to evolve or die... as the industry goes through this maturation phase you have to be willing to change and be willing to go with the times," Ray Muzyka, BioWare


That's the first time Ray put such hard words like "die" into his mouth. I guess being a suit now made him a little more sarcastic, huh?

But I agree on that sentiment. That's why Troika and BIS died, I suppose. But maturation phase?


"... there's just too much product out there. And things like GTA and Halo, really dominant products, are great for the industry because it puts it on the top of people's minds..." Andrew Goldman, Pandemic


GTA and HALO great for the industry? More mass market = maturation process, right? Just like Hollywood, but that's not what I call a mature industry either.


Anyway, thought I just should put the link here, since there's nothing else to chew on on such a slow sunday.

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Yet its time for ME even though DA was announced first? 


I have my doubts that DA is still being worked on.

Well I find it myself very dubious why it takes such an extraordinary long time to make. They probaly had some "difficulties" or some major changes or whatever....you know how uneven game development can go....

But it's certainly not vaporware, or they should have announced it. Bio hasn't canceled one project in it's (10 years?) existence, and I don't see any reason why they should start doing it now.

Bio grows bigger and fatter every year, clearly not a sign of running out money and start canceling projects, like BIS did.

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Well I find it myself very dubious why it takes such an extraordinary long time to make. They probaly had some "difficulties" or some major changes or whatever....you know how uneven game development can go....

But it's certainly not vaporware, or they should have announced it. Bio hasn't canceled one project in it's (10 years?) existence, and I don't see any reason why they should start doing it now.

Bio grows bigger and fatter every year, clearly not a sign of running out money and start canceling projects, like BIS did.


True enough. I think the problem is that Bioware announced way to early. They wanted to show people that they weren't giving up on the PC so they announced it as soon as they had a build that can show decent pics, but now it just seems DA is just dragging along and nothing new has been released about it while the console itles keep coming. Ports tend to be iffy in most cases and while JE was a good console game I don't think its style will make a good translation to the PC.

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True enough.  I think the problem is that Bioware announced way to early.  They wanted to show people that they weren't giving up on the PC so they announced it as soon as they had a build that can show decent pics, but now it just seems DA is just dragging along and nothing new has been released about it while the console itles keep coming.  Ports tend to be iffy in most cases and while JE was a good console game I don't think its style will make a good translation to the PC.

It's just the perception not much is happening. Reality doesn't necessarily follow perception. Just check out PNJ.

Spreading beauty with my katana.

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Well I find it myself very dubious why it takes such an extraordinary long time to make. They probaly had some "difficulties" or some major changes or whatever....you know how uneven game development can go....

But it's certainly not vaporware, or they should have announced it. Bio hasn't canceled one project in it's (10 years?) existence, and I don't see any reason why they should start doing it now.

Bio grows bigger and fatter every year, clearly not a sign of running out money and start canceling projects, like BIS did.


True enough. I think the problem is that Bioware announced way to early. They wanted to show people that they weren't giving up on the PC so they announced it as soon as they had a build that can show decent pics, but now it just seems DA is just dragging along and nothing new has been released about it while the console itles keep coming. Ports tend to be iffy in most cases and while JE was a good console game I don't think its style will make a good translation to the PC.

I remember when Bio showed a Tech demo in 2004. Now, that technology got discarded and they've a completely new engine. What a waste. They even claimed a small team worked on that tech since NWN shipped. Again, what a waste. They clearly fuc*ed something up, but I guess they're now back on track, as Dave claims that the pieces are done and are now being in the process to put together. *fingers crossed*

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Well, I just think that the use of a third dimension can give players a greater sense of freedom and more strategic options in combat. In PnP DnD one of the most useful spells in combat is the Fly spell and used in conjuction of Reduce and Improved Invisibility it can have a devastating effect on both the enemy and the PCs.

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