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Is dual-screen more demanding on the GFX?

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the problem is that the potential pitfalls are almost enough to outweigh the benefits.  not all problems that need solving can be efficiently solved in parallel, either.  i'm dealing with one right now that, on the surface, seems like a nifty parallel task.  unfortunately, deep down, there are reasons not to chase the rabbit down the hole.


my point really, was that there is a steep learning curve that game developers may have a hard time overcoming.  very steep.  no matter the potential benefit, the initial stages of climbing that slope may do irreparable damage, and delays, to a project.


keep in mind, graphics is offloaded through a well developed API that lets the developer get his task done semi-transparently.  once said dev has to start writing his own threads, however, things get a little sticky (uh, a lot).






Naturally the learning curve is steep, I am certain it's going to be quite some time before we feel the whole benefit in the games industry, but it will happen eventually.


I just think it's better to start climbing, and bitch less.



"I'm a programmer at a games company... REET GOOD!" - Me

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I second taks' nomination for an AI API!


My boss wholeheartedly agrees.


In fact, in a discussion with him, he feels that AI won't truly get a fair break unless a dedicated card and API is created.


I'm still not convinced on the benefits of AI middleware, but I've only ever coded AI first hand, have you used any middleware?



"I'm a programmer at a games company... REET GOOD!" - Me

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Naturally the learning curve is steep, I am certain it's going to be quite some time before we feel the whole benefit in the games industry, but it will happen eventually.

this is more than likely true. unfortunately, work that people such as myself do on a day-to-day basis does not reach the truly "public" (i.e. commercial) sector. at least, not very quickly. there's a lot of wheel re-inventing that will be required. of course, occasionally some guy in the defense world that wants to venture into commercial applications does so, and brings with him the knowledge, though not necessarily specifics, obtained from his experiences.



comrade taks... just because.

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Okay this is likely my ignorance as I am justing beginning to migrte to use a notebook primarily - but how is you disable the LCD of the notebook? I assume a 2nd one must first be enabled?

one of your function keys does the switch... F8 i think. it will toggle between on-board LCD, external or both. i'll check.



comrade taks... just because.

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I second taks' nomination for an AI API!


My boss wholeheartedly agrees.


In fact, in a discussion with him, he feels that AI won't truly get a fair break unless a dedicated card and API is created.


I'm still not convinced on the benefits of AI middleware, but I've only ever coded AI first hand, have you used any middleware?





The benefits, like the benefits of a graphics card, is that it frees up resources. People use the CPU for other things, and in the end, AI usually ends up getting the shortend of the stick.

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