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Man, you leave Cheechoo uncovered for two seconds and all hell breaks loose.

Actually I have to really give him props for his first two goals. The first was a great attempt to get open and a beautiful cycling play, while the second was nothing less than the power of a pure goal scorer.


Now if Edmonton could convert big hits into goals we would be laughing.


It's good to see Lupul has a goal as well. He's been the cog on the first line tonight and pretty physical.


Crosby gets me four points tonight. That's just plain cool.



edit: me no spellz tu god

Edited by Kor Qel Droma


Jaguars4ever is still alive.  No word of a lie.

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It could have been me jinxing him with the ole' rally cap.


Smyth scored three goals faster than Gretzky ever did. Plus he hit the 500 point mark tonight.


And three natural hat tricks in the league tonight.


***Looks for full moon***


Jaguars4ever is still alive.  No word of a lie.

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I like the HF boards much better than the official Oiler ones. Some of the posters there seem to be pretty sharp, like Cerebral. But there also seems to be a large idiot factor going on over there as well.


I was going to comment that Smyth and Horcoff seemed to be struggling a bit so far this season. Perhaps it would be wiser to not speak any further on the subject.


And one of my teams had a fairly decent night. My KQD team, however dropped from eighth all the way down to twenty third. :(


Jaguars4ever is still alive.  No word of a lie.

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I wonder if San Jose has any gas left in the tank for Vancouver Friday.


I really thought the fourth line was pretty damn good in the first period. Winchester is looking like he actually wants to play, and Thorosen has got a fair bit of jump in that undersized body of his.


From a PK point of view we kind of crapped the bed tonight, but I think as the season goes on we'll see a lot more PP goals from the Sharks.


And I really wish that Hemsky would go back to the half boards when the Oil have the man advantage. I know its still pretty early, but so far it doesn't really seem to be working out so well.


Jaguars4ever is still alive.  No word of a lie.

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To be fair, I think the PK was putting itself in a position to fail.


Two 5 on 3s against a team I expect to have a fantastic powerplay, it's not really surprising that 3 of their goals were on the PP.



And Gionta's game makes it what, 3 natural hat tricks in a single evening of hockey.



Two in one game, and one in 2 minutes!

Edited by alanschu
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And how are you liking the effort of one Mike Grier?  I think Rosie has found someone else who brings his lunchpail to the rink in the form of Curtis Brown.


A lot of the sportswriters trashed the Sharks for not making many moves in the offseason, but I think Grier is a huge addition. He gives the PK unit real experience. Brown is also looking reborn after a tough year in Chicago.


I know the Sharks still need a more experienced defenseman, but there is no rush. They've got the offense to overcome rookie mistakes, and eventually someone will be willing to trade for Nabakov or Toskala.


Oh yeah, Erhoff put in another, I hope you fantasy folks picked him up when I said to.

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I'll beat Mkreku to the punch and toss out the kudos to Mats Sundin for his heroic efforts tonight. 4 points from the big guy sure helped out in the hockey pool.


And it still amazes me that Sykora has had thirty two goal games but never a hat trick. Ever. Here's hoping that Rexall gets the honor of tossing the touques for his first.


It's amazing what a real goaltender can do for a team. Nice work tonight Roli!!


Jaguars4ever is still alive.  No word of a lie.

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Oh, everybody will beat me to the punch right now..


Anyhow, I just want to add a few cool facts about Sudden's hattrick:


* The third goal was Sundin's 500'th goal in the NHL. Only two European born players have done it before him (Jagr and Kurri). He's the first swede ever to join the elite club.


* It was his 15'th overtime goal in the NHL. That's an NHL record. Captain Clutch they call him..


* It was a shorthanded goal. He looks slow on the ice, but he really isn't. Ok, that's not a fact, but still :))


What's not a real "fact" (as in something that will go down in history books), but in my eyes makes the achievement even more impressive, is that he scored those goals on Kiprusoff. I'd imagine it would be somewhat more difficult to get a hattrick on Kiprusoff than, oh let's say, Raycroft :p

Swedes, go to: Spel2, for the latest game reviews in swedish!

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Amazing work, how many hat tricks is that lifetime?


Eight. After a good twenty minutes of looking through stats pages which all said the same things, I thought a looky through some post game reviews might be the answer.


I was just remembering Ryan Smyths' other natural hat trick. :ermm:


Jaguars4ever is still alive.  No word of a lie.

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Ouch. Not too much of that Oiler grit tonight.


On the plus side, the team you helped pick in my hockey pool is tied for first today, Alan.


I won't mention my other team. It's still waiting for the top lines from Ottawa and Tampa to get going... :rolleyes:


Jaguars4ever is still alive.  No word of a lie.

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I hope someone picked the rookie Anze Kopitar in his pools. He played in Sweden last season and was outstanding. Apparently he's doing quite well in the NHL too. I can't believe I forgot to mention him when you started this crazy pool talk.

Swedes, go to: Spel2, for the latest game reviews in swedish!

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Another ugleh game featuring the Canucks and Oilers. But two points are two points.


And why oh why didn't I pick more Buffalo players instead of the guys from Philly? You've got to wonder if Clarke and Hitchco-ck are looking over their shoulders right now.


Jaguars4ever is still alive.  No word of a lie.

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