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Lebanese rockets hit Israel after airport attack!


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I always vote and I would probably vote for a third party candidate, but I rather see Hillary in the White House than another Republican.

Ah, but what if voting for the third party candiate preempts the election of Hiliary by handing victory to the Republican. :("

Edited by jaguars4ever
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Ah, but what if voting for the third party candiate preempts the election of Hiliary by handing victory to the Republican.  :-"

I don't agree with that in principle. It skews the results by suggesting that the third party is less popular than it is, affecting its perceived viability etc.

Spreading beauty with my katana.

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No, its not even close. This is just about Israel sending a message of "You mess with us, we're going to mess you up ten times as bad."

There seems to be a contradiction in current Israeli security policy. They've always based their security on deterrence - as you say, if you hurt us, we'll hurt you back. However, in order for this deterrence to be credible, they seem to need to demonstrate their power every now and then with some massive attack on Lebanon or the Occupied Territories. This contradicts with the policy in Gaza, and previously Lebanon, of unilateral withdrawal (supposedly to leave the Palestinians and Lebanese to get on with their own affairs) and shows that policy to be incompatible with longer-term strategic security policies. The current Israeli action is such a disproportionate response to the kidnapping of a few soldiers that it looks like the kidnapping was a pretext rather than a reason. So how are the Israelis going to achieve the security they want? Not, I suspect, by invading or bombing Lebanon. Why would it work this time when it failed last time?

"An electric puddle is not what I need right now." (Nina Kalenkov)

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Well, I just learned that there are some Iowans in the crossfire in beruit. With the major transportation hubs turned into rubble there is no way for them to get out. If Bushie gives a crap about his citizens he needs to intervene and tell Israel to stop.

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We have well over 2000 people there, and they ain't getting out either just yet. Best bet for anyone would probably be to fly home from Damaskus.

Edited by Lucius



It appears that I have not yet found a sig to replace the one about me not being banned... interesting.

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Idiot.  Who the hell said they were prisoners of those guys?  They aren't.  Sheesh.  ;)


Just because they are in Lebonon they must be held by terrorists!  OH NOES!


Give me a f**king break.


Well, the first two posts were in jest, but since you took it seriously, there is a gesture of truth in'em:


Bush isn't going to do anything about Israel, because Israel is an American ally and he'd look a real hypocrite for calling an end to Israeli hostilities while his country is still in Iraq, and he isn't going to negotiate with Hizbollah, which runs this war in Lebanon, because Hizbollah is a terrorist organization. That's the bottom line.

Edited by Azarkon

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Yet he asks Syria to tell Hizbollah to end their attacks even though they are defending themselves against Israeli aggression. Israel is at fault here, not Lebonon, yet our esteemed Republican President is too thick headed to see that or doesn't have the back bone to tell Israel to back off.

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Isn't there enough forces in Iraq to redirect some of them, incase Syria needs a whipping as well?



It appears that I have not yet found a sig to replace the one about me not being banned... interesting.

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Israel is at fault insofar as it was a fault to put Israel there in the first place. National survival, with respect to Israel, means putting an end to anti-Israeli organizations like Hamas and Hizbollah before they can gain a significant following. Israeli politicians that do not think like this won't last long in a country that's been the target of terrorist attacks ever since it was born - it only took, what, one major attack to make the US go berserk? Israel's been taking it for decades.


Feel free to blame the Western-centric "international" organization that decided Israel's fate back in the day, but it's too late to regret that decision now. You can't ask every Israeli to pack up and leave the land that's been their home for many years, and which has always possessed a symbolic value in their religion, even if the US is willing to offer relocation within its borders. And there's a fat chance of that happening.

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