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wu meets the indie culture was boring. i just can't get into the whole rap mentality anymore. thats why doom with his crazy rhymes and cage with his sick, white boy stuff are the only things i listen to. i'm not black, i'm not gangsta (whatever that means), i dont smoke pot or do drugs, i dont like to go to clubs, i think the police are okay and i respect women. what does rap mainstream rap have to offer me? 99 % of rap nowadays is just stupid. to me.

  Lare Kikkeli said:
wu meets the indie culture was boring. i just can't get into the whole rap mentality anymore. thats why doom with his crazy rhymes and cage with his sick, white boy stuff are the only things i listen to. i'm not black, i'm not gangsta (whatever that means), i dont smoke pot or do drugs, i dont like to go to clubs, i think the police are okay and i respect women. what does rap mainstream rap have to offer me? 99 % of rap nowadays is just stupid. to me.


I agree.

Posted (edited)

i still have to confess that 25 % of the music i listen to is rap/hip-hop or similar. i used to be into rap a lot when i was younger, but now i just find most of the lyrics, despite being how clever, redundant (is God just another cop, waiting to beat my ass if I don't go pop being a good example. thats just stupid.)



edited not to double post:



Built To Spill - Liar "You In Reverse"

Edited by Lare Kikkeli
Posted (edited)
  Lare Kikkeli said:
wu meets the indie culture was boring. i just can't get into the whole rap mentality anymore. thats why doom with his crazy rhymes and cage with his sick, white boy stuff are the only things i listen to. I'm not black, I'm not gangsta (whatever that means), i dont smoke pot or do drugs, i dont like to go to clubs, i think the police are okay and i respect women. what does rap mainstream rap have to offer me? 99 % of rap nowadays is just stupid. to me.

Well, music itself can be a form of escapism, especially when Rap is concerned, for Rap at its purest is a form of storytelling. Great rap is universal because it deals with universal subjects or subjects we've universally been exposed to. Maybe without flicks like the Godfather or Goodfellas we (the world at large|not part of the "biz") wouldn't "get" Mafioso Rap, but we do, I think, at least I do, because we've been bombarded with such characters through art for decades. They're part of what we "know" and "understand" or perhaps we've been made to "know" or "understand", whatever. And I don't know many songs that deal solitary with taking weed or hating broads, though of course, I'm no expert and maybe you don't like these subjects, no biggie, we cool. There's plenty backpacker stuff for everyone.


If this sounds like vapid pseudo-philosophical drivel, well, don't sweat you might just be right. I've always preferred not to intellectualise rap, or intellectually think about|analyse, uh, whatever that means. Though some musicians force it on you. I believe rap lyrics, like most poetry, should work on an emotional level first and foremost.


  Lare Kikkeli said:
i still have to confess that 25 % of the music i listen to is rap/hip-hop or similar. i used to be into rap a lot when i was younger, but now i just find most of the lyrics, despite being how clever, redundant (is God just another cop, waiting to beat my ass if I don't go pop being a good example. thats just stupid.)

Not in the context of Tupac's persona, in a way it's his miniature tour de force, a condensation of almost all his personal philosophy. That and his delivery is bloody intense. He's just a simple man talking about common Church morality in simple terms, terms which his fanbase can understand. I find it beautiful.


We're gonna descend into subjective bickering, if we continue I mean, aren't we? Eek.


And yeah, I sorta agree with you on Wu-Tang Meets the Indie Culture, still there are a few rappers I rather like on that record. And Jarmusch.


But you gotta understand, now that Hades has agreed with you, you're wrong by default. It's serious, he made the same choice as I earlier today and I've been contemplating suicide ever since. I'm not entirely certain I can go on living.


Or something, anyway, interent bickering gets boring fast, and I think we're two opinionated bastards, thus, I'll wish you good luck and I'll go listen to some music. Actually I was thinking about watching that new Avengers movie. Incredibly nerdy, I know, but the inner child, stupid|ignorant as it may be, needs its daily walk.

Edited by Baley
Posted (edited)
  Baley said:
It's serious, he made the same choice as I earlier today and I've been contemplating suicide ever since. I'm not entirely certain I can go on living.




There are some things one should not joke about and suicide is one of them.

Edited by Judge Hades

Heh, heh, heh.


So, LK, did you go see the Twilight Singers or not?





Tom Waits - Small Change (Got Rained On with His Own .38)

baby, take off your beret

everyone's a critic and most people are DJs


You're like that obsessed creepy old man, aren't you? You know which one, we all do, part of our lives, frankly, I think they've got themselves some sort of club, maybe a little company, delegating creeps all over the world with creepy never-ending, always-repeating questions.



NOFX - The Decline.


I know I'm obsessed. Hell, I've made Whigs/Singers mix CDs for half my friends and coworkers. If Greg and the boys played a show within three states of me again I think I'd be there. I've even got a friend who saw them with me in Cleveland. He teaches, so he's free to jet off to Europe with his summers off. Well, he got to see them again while he was over there, the bastard. I was so jealous, I turned green on the spot.


But, but... it's not like it's the only thing I listen to (as you very well know!)!


In fact, I'll probably see Rancid in a week or so. I've got my Social D tickets and I just heard Frank Black is dropping by Ohio for a solo show promoting his latest....



... which I still need to pick up.



Todd Snider - The Ballad of the Kingsmen

baby, take off your beret

everyone's a critic and most people are DJs


Well, I'm totally burned out on Rap, in fact, I've been playing with my Punk CDs today, so hey, this might be a good time for musical taste evolution part 2.


Recommend me a CD or something.


NOFX - The Decline (It's just going round and round and never ever stopping.)


I'll recommend you two:




Chisel - 8 A.M. All Day






Rocket From the Crypt - RFTC

baby, take off your beret

everyone's a critic and most people are DJs


I think I have that RFTC record, I gotta go look for it though, to be sure, as for the Chisel, duly noted.


To be honest, I was asking about Twilight Singers CDs.


Big Black - He's A Whore.




then get Blackberry Belle. It's their best.


Also, either the self-titled Warren Zevon album or Excitable Boy. You're best off with Genius, the comp Kor bought, but if you want the original albums, those are the best.


What's the deal with Big Black? I always see their CD (you know the one) at CD shops and wonder what they sound like.



Warren Zevon - Desperados Under the Eaves

baby, take off your beret

everyone's a critic and most people are DJs


Okay, someone needs to restart this thread. 100 pages is enough for one little thread.


Also, I'm listening to quite a few songs suggested to me from other members. I've compiled an "Obsidian favorites" in my itunes folder and it's playing right now.

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Remembering tarna, Phosphor, Metadigital, and Visceris.  Drink mead heartily in the halls of Valhalla, my friends!

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