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Good Thrash Metal Bands

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Penderecki I became interested in when I heard part of his musical piece, "Threnody for the Victims of Hiroshima" in the movie The Shining. Now that is a wicked classical recording there.


The 60s were a period of intense experimentation in the world of classical music and Penderecki was a part of it.


He has softened up a little since the 80s, which pissed off the avant-garde scene but i think it was for the best. I just recently bought a disc containing his WindSextet (written in 2000) and i think that's my favored Penderecki piece yet.


And yes, there's some wicked modern music in Kubrick films. Ligeti is another one, used in both 2001 (remember the wierd chorus during the monolith scene on the moon?) or that creepy little tune in Eyes Wide Shut.

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