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Is there a workaround for the jedi training bug?

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Every once in a while, I get this bug where I go through the dialog to convert a NPC into a Jedi, but for some reason, we never actually get to the "training" dialog (where your character actually gives instruction/tutoring to the NPC).


Is there a workaround for this? Or do I just have to wait for the next game?

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You never actualy train them. You just set them to a pre selected jedi/sith class for them. As long as you have enough influence with them, thats all you need to suceed in makeing them one. If not, then it's a cut convo...Atton and Bao-Dur are big with cut convos. Mandalore and HK-47 do not have a convo for jedi/sith.

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  • 3 weeks later...

usually infulence and a place which triggers it is needed, in attons case you need bit of infulence (its not 2 hard to get for him) and then the twileks at narshadaa trigger his history which eventually links to his training

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