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no water

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For some reason the water on my PC game isn't showing in kotor 1 on dantoine. Its ok if I go without water there but what about when I go to Manon. Water is everywhere in that planet and the only thing that it substitutes for that is black water. When I get to Mannon it will look like I'm swiming in squid ink :blink:

Edited by Masta Revan

I pitty the fool who don't have the force.

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Have you looked over at the Bioware tech support forum for Kotor 1? I'd be happy to help if I could, but I know there have been a lot of problems with graphics cards and Dantooine and they have some good threads with solutions. You have a much better chance of getting help there than here. >_<

"An electric puddle is not what I need right now." (Nina Kalenkov)

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