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Super Stretched Faces O.o

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I dont think I can take a ss of the actualy characters walking around like this, but trust me, their face stretches across most of the screen. And when Atton I think his name is, is in my party, it is nearly impossible to see with his face in the way. I downloaded the current drivers for my NVidia GeForce FX 5200 vid card and downloaded the latest patch for the game but still no go. The face stretching only happens with that party member and a few other npc's that I have seen so far. Any help is appreciated because I would liek to be able to use him in my party again without using the mini map to navigate =/



Here are some more screenshots of the bug i just recently ran into......




Edited by Malphos
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>...........> I wish it was something i did. That would mean a quick re install and it would go away. But alas, Ive had this problem with the characters/environment since i first met Atton in his cell. It doesn't appear to be going away any time soon as Atton is still Mr. Long face ( >.< bad joke!) Sometimes, the environments that are buggy fix themselves, but they soon go back to being buggy. If their is a room of people its almost a sure thign one of their faces stretches out liek above and clouds my view of the screen.


If anyone has had this problem and got it corrected please assist! I love KOTOR, but this bug makes it a nuisance to play *sob*



AAAAAAAH! Now Visa and the Handmaiden are ****ed up too! WTF! Someone please help me with this. There has to be something i can do to fix it V_V

Edited by Malphos
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>...........> I wish it was something i did. That would mean a quick re install and it would go away. But alas, Ive had this problem with the characters/environment since i first met Atton in his cell. It doesn't appear to be going away any time soon as Atton is still Mr. Long face ( >.< bad joke!) Sometimes, the environments that are buggy fix themselves, but they soon go back to being buggy. If their is a room of people its almost a sure thign one of their faces stretches out liek above and clouds my view of the screen.


If anyone has had this problem and got it corrected please assist! I love KOTOR, but this bug makes it a nuisance to play *sob*



AAAAAAAH! Now Visa and the Handmaiden are ****ed up too! WTF! Someone please help me with this. There has to be something i can do to fix it V_V


If setting the graphics options to 'default' or below (for testing purposes) doesn't work, I would try rolling back to an earlier version of the Nvidia drivers. NVidia has been 'tweaking' the newer sets, which in some games produces distortion on a par with some of ATI's driver releases. My daughter was unable to get Neverwinter Nights to even run after upgrading drivers on her Nvidia card. Rolling back solved the problem.

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Well, I only downloaded the latest Nvidia drivers after i started to encounter the problem, so it shouldn't be that.


And I read through that topic you linked to Battlewookie, but I know heating concerns isnt the problem because I will turn it on when i get up in the mornin and it still bugs up. This is getting frustrating because There is no conceivable reason why this should be happening. Thanks for helping guys, and if anyone comes up with some other things I can try please help me out here.

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