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Never Winter Nights?

Lyric Suite

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Are the expantions and premium models indipendent from each other?


I wanted to make a unique character for each, but now i hear you can import your SoU character to the other expansion (which i take starts at a highter level?).


Those custom made modules also sound good. I never liked single player mods in any game because they always feel unprofessional and unpolished, but i'll give them a shot...

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Not every community module requires either or both expansions; not too sure about the premium mods. (There were features added for each of SoU and HotU expansions, and without both you cannot use, for example the prestige classes from that expansion.)


There are about six different relationship endings and two different combat endings for HotU. Hardly trillions.




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It helps when there is no logical way I can be wrong.

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