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I have already beaten the game once, sometime back in january. well, i decided to go through both KOTOR games again, and i'm stuck. for the life of me, i can't remember how to get out of peragus :rolleyes: . i have fought with the HK driod, and now i can't get the harbinger. the ******* force field is still active, and i've visited every stupid terminal in the whole of the station to try and shut it down. i walked around the station for an hour, trying to figure out what the **** was going on. did i miss something? is it a glitch? did i blow something up before i was supposed to? it's really starting to tee me off, so any help would be amazing and i would be eternally grateful. i've been stuck on this thing for two days now. good gried i feel like an idiot. :rolleyes:



do you see things that aren't there? do you hear things that aren't spoken? i do, and for that reason, i am cursed. i alone live, and all else is dead...dead to the realm which only i am apart of, only i must bear. and to be alive there, i must die...

I suggest you go to GameFaqs and read a walkthrough. the walkthrough by dsimpson is good and comprehensive. Since you have finished the game once, go through the wlakthrough while playing again to maximize the xp, influences and the likes.


What forcefield is still active? If you killed the HK droid, all you need to do is board the Harbinger via the airlock. The entrance to the airlock is in the same large room where Atton was playing computer time and you killed the HK droid. There is no forcefield between the HK fight location and the Harbinger airlock, ever.

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