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Ok, this is completely random, but it's driving me crazy. I can't remember if it's in KotOR 1 or 2, or I would have found it myself, but i think Bao-Dur said it in 2 (like I said though, not sure). So my question is this: someone in the game is listing off worlds destroyed by the Mandalorian Wars and mentions the "burning plains of such-and-such on the planet of so-and-so, fires that burn still". I think the name of the planes started with an x, but I doubt my memory is very reliable. So if anyone can remember either name (plains or planet), I'd really appriciate it. Thanks in advance, it's driving me nuts!

Atton mentions it as you Jedify him.  Part of the "You were there" speech.  The name of the specific planet is eluding me as well!  maybe someone has a save near there?


"At Duro, when basilisk war droids rained like meteors onto the orbiting cities, and when the Mandalorians set fire to the Xoxin plains on Eres III - the fires that still burn."


Thank you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! That was driving me mad!


P.S. I'm not sure where I got Bao-Dur from... oh well. :)


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