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Infinite Shyrack cave exp

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When I was playing my Lightside game I couldn't even recover my force powers at all. I was able to gain like 2000 exp from using force storm but I found out that my force regen was so slow. Like it took 2 hours to fully recover <_<


How can I increase my force regan in the cave?

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If you're a light sider, you can't recover force quickly, barring the 'equip and unequip wisdom modifying items' bug. You're probably better off killing the Hssiss with your lightsaber and using your force power for heal than force storming them as a lightsider.

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If you're a light sider, you can't recover force quickly, barring the 'equip and unequip wisdom modifying items' bug.  You're probably better off killing the Hssiss with your lightsaber and using your force power for heal than force storming them as a lightsider.


The time it will take to get to level 35 using a lightsaber would take ages when compared to spamming force lighting

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This sort of topic should be in the SPOILERS forum. <_<


Oh, look! A seach function! Now you can find the other forty-nine threads about this in the Spoilers forum! :(




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