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meeting Visquis

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I'm on my way to meet with Visquis! And I run in to Mira in the ducks. She tells me that friends are in trouble and the game shifts to the Ebonhart pilot. The two dancing bountyhunters fight him and I dont stand af chance againt them. What do I do! I tried a million times now. But he just dies every time.


Hope some one can help me



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General tactic, stims and force powers run around to split them up so that you can take them on one at a time. Use mines and grenades to full effect.


If you have a save from before he fights them then equip atton with the best items you have so as to boost his attributes.


If you are still having problems, then maybe you levelled Atton poorly, in which case you are screwed - there is nothing else you can do except keep trying and hope that you pull it off.

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Actually, you can just hide behind the bar (you begin just in front of it). They cannot reach you there. Or try another awaward and difficult to reach location, they usuually just end up standing around while you gun them down them with blasters.

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