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Twice? Solo? And, peopel call me a fanboy. I only completed any of the three NWN cmapaigns twice because I played eahc of 'em in MP. Otherwise, just once in SP.



Another tidbit that you playtesters would know: The Witcheta family's Official Diety is Herotus, and he's one of only two religions that actually play an active part in any quests in this first part..


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Twice? Solo? And, peopel call me a fanboy. I only completed any of the three NWN cmapaigns twice because I played eahc of 'em in MP. Otherwise, just once in SP.


Yeah I chose to replay it with a sorcerer to finish all the side-quest....


There are a few games I like to replay once in a while....


Not enough quality RPG\s per year if you ask me :(


Another tidbit that you playtesters would know: The Witcheta family's Official Diety is Herotus, and he's one of only two religions that actually play an active part in any quests in this first part..


A LG deity :(


Hmm...are they fakeing their allegiance?

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I agree about the lack of quality roel-playing games. :(



"A LG deity


Hmm...are they fakeing their allegiance?"


No; but let's just say that not all the Witchetas worship him, and some who claim to really don't follow all his tenents nor does he approve of their actions... <_<


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No; but let's just say that not all the Witchetas worship him, and some who claim to really don't follow all his tenents nor does he approve of their actions...


Do you get any special treatment for following Herotus?


Can you change deity alliegences during ch1?

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"Do you get any special treatment for following Herotus?"


No. That said, Herotus is one of the most followed gods so his church has a lot of power.



"Can you change deity alliegences during ch1?"


Yes. there's at least 2 chances to do so; but it's a risky proposition as it has huge side results...


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No. That said, Herotus is one of the most followed gods so his church has a lot of power.

Nah, I meant from the Witchetas seeing as he's their family god...


Yes. there's at least 2 chances to do so; but it's a risky proposition as it has huge side results...


Is the second god Evil?

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1. Possible. depending how you interact with them.


2. Maybe. It would only be fair. Might even be a neutral god. Mystary.


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"Not the dwarven lady tho,right?"


Eh? Where this come from? LOL




"I'm expecting to see a glorious view of her in ch 2-3"


Only if she makes it to ch3...


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"She's a GOD she has to make it there..."


Oops. :"> My bad. I thguht you were talking about the dwarven henchwoman. LOL :D


Yeah, the Goddess will be around in all chapters. That said, PCs tend not to interact directly with gods for obvious reasons..


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"Could the henchwoman abandon you because of the story?..and not failed romance..."


Yes. There's lots of things that can end up happening story wise with her (and the majority of henchmen). Any possible romance (though not all hench people can be romances) is just one of many occurances... Your interaction with her is just part of what determines what she'll do.


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"Q: You can't ascend into godhood right?"


Likely not. It's for levels 4-8. (w00t) And, the later mods, I surely haven't done that much b/g to even worry about it..



"And does becoming a god in this world work the same way as in Toril ? "


No real way to do so. Only two of the current gods were once mortal - Trinity, and Vikkra. And, that a long time ago... The others have always been gods..


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No real way to do so. Only two of the current gods were once mortal - Trinity, and Vikkra. And, that a long time ago... The others have always been gods..


Yeah..I don't really think it would be such a good idea :p


Tho I would be curious about fighting a god..haven't done that since MW >_<

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The gods would slaughter you. Slaughter you, they would. All the while they'd be sipping hot chocolate, skateboarding across lava, balancing 4 nuclear bombs with their toes, and in a deep sleep of 10 years.


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The gods would slaughter you. Slaughter you, they would. All the while they'd be sipping hot chocolate, skateboarding across lava, balancing 4 nuclear bombs with their toes, and in a deep sleep of 10 years.


That makes 'em stronger than MW's gods...I remember kicking their ass :D


Yeah MW really was lame...


Hmm..what level would you rate the gods?

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"Hmm..what level would you rate the gods?"


Beyond the reach of humans. They simply do not enter mortal lands.



Now, for the details of the chapter one character...


Character Name: Hykul Witcheta the Third


Race: Ghast (formerly human)


Sex: Male


Age: Unknown


Class: Fighter/Blackguard/Cleric (formerly worshipped Herotus; now worships Karvlar)


Personality: He is hateful of the living, exstremely violent, and espicially women who he feels are beneath contempt. Dedicated to cretaing as many ghouls as possible in honour of his new god.


Combat Style: Aggressive, and while quite intelligent espicically for a ghast;Hykul is quite forward in his method of attack. He claws his opponet sin hopes of turning them as well as in a counter-productive matter cutting them in half with his negatively charged bastard sword. The ghast has no problem using any of his abilities to his advantages.


Skills of Note: Causing death, and transforming the living into undead ghoul servants during elabortae ceremonies are the only skills of note he possesses now. What he did in life; he will not say..


Hometown: Unknown and unimportant


Goals: As above, his only current goal is to create as many ghouls as possible and to cause as much pain as posisble espciially to those of the opposite sex.


Description: Hykul is a ghast, and he looks the part except for the dark armour he wears and the bastards word he carries.


Noteworthy Equipment: Hyrkul wears Blackguard armour cursed by Karvlar, and wields a negatively charged bastrad sword that takes the energy from its victim to the sword's weilder. Using the sword corrupts the user's soul in a never ending process. Hyrkul also wears the unholy sumbol of his diety which he proudly shows to all - just before the ghast murders them....


Background: Not much is known about Hyrkul's life before the turn except that he was raised as all Witchetas usually are - pampered beyond belief. He was said to be a quiet boy with dark, sad eyes almost like he was mournful of what the future held for him. Eventually, the boy turned into a man and was married to a wonderful girl. The first few years of their marriage was supposedly happy until he snapped, and started brutalizing her. This awful, unforgivable behavious first led him to locking her in the Mansion Basement and evntually killing her and a servant in a jelaous rage when he thought he saw them together. A few days later he was found hanging in the very spot he had murdered his wife.


Such a sad ending to a sad life. Or so it was thought. It is unknown how it hapopened; but happened; but now Hyrkul is doomed to a life as a ghast. He is always on the look out for someone - anyone - to take his pain from him.


How the PC meets with the ghast, or how the PC deals with him is a mystery. Alas, this is one story that will likely not have a happy ending...



Next Update: I shall let you decide what iw ill write about next. Will it be about a character? A place? A magical trinket? A particluar summon? Dangers to come? Anything is up for grabs; but nothing about chapter 4...






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"like him...


Was he rejected by a lot of women during his life time?"


No. He was quite shy. In fact, his wife was/is his one, and only in every way. Such a horrible experience it seems... >_<



"A place with lots of dwarfs..."


Heh. Ok.



"Or a danger to come"


I could include this with the suggestion above. :p"


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No. He was quite shy. In fact, his wife was/is his one, and only in every way. Such a horrible experience it seems...


Yeah..it really seems darker than the OC :p


I could include this with the suggestion above.


Awesome Yumminess >_<

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Time to fulfill Baley's wet dream of Danger In Dwarfland! Expect a long read, and history lesson. Anyway, here we go...




Area: Holderheim Stronghold



Location: Great Desert (formerly the Weslen Mountains...)



Origins: The dwarven stronghold is ancient even by dwarven standards having been build 20k+ years ago. It was originally used by a single dwarf family simply known as the Holderheims as an outpost for the Metal Empire of the Great Mother (yes, that was the name of the empire) to guard against the Northern Tribes who consisted of the 'Race We Do Not Speak Of'. The Holderheims eventually convinced the king to send more soldiers to help guard the Empire Gates. The Holderheims did well in defending the then relatively small fort. However, the Northern Tribes for some reason decided to commit themselves to a full frontal attack. Outnumbered nearly 1000 to 1, the soldiers were nearly wiped out, and would have been if not for some unexpected allies in the form of dwarves from the depths of mountainous caves who showed up. With their new allies, the Holderheims managed to win the day. Of course, when all was said and done only three family members, and a handful of soldiers survived.


When the deep dwarves took off their helms, Lord Rurrik was shocked to see they were duergar - normally, the hated and hateful dark cousins of surface dwarves. Cooler heads prevailed, and Rurrik asked their leader why they helped. The answer was simple, curt, and to the point: "We hate the Northern Tribes more than we hate you." With that, the dark dwarves just marched back into the deep recesses of the the then almost unknown Underdark.


Meanwhile, with the enemy defeated, Lord Rurrik's troops were left with not much to do; but be bored so they took to exploring the mountainous caves in the reasons. One of these explorers, a scout and skilled miner simply known as The Axle struck it.... mithril of all things. When this was reported back to Lord Rurrik, he sent word to the king who sent word straight back asking him to make a permenant base there to mind the mithril.



The Rise: Having a mithril mine is the quickest way to attract miners, and other workers. Many dwarves made their way to the once small Outpost. Several hundred years went by, and the population of the now named Holderheim Stronghold was easily into the thousands. The mass of mithril reins seemed endless, and unlimited. So much so, the two major mines themselves were known as either Mithril Mass or River of Mithril.


At this time, duergar who had helped them centuries before returned, and were pleasantly surprised about the turn of events. Their leader, now a Genereko (General in their tongue), demanded some of the profit. Through some tough negotiations it was said, in honour of their help, the dueragr were to be given a portion of the mithril veins to mine for their people. From that day, a small duergar subsection of the now burgeoning city stronghold, was carved out. Amazingly enough, the duergar and surface dwarves managed to live side by side in relative peace.


High Lord (his new official title) Rurrik, being really old at this time at a rapidly aging 554 years of age (when the typical dwarf lives to about 400-450 years old) needed to name a successor to his throne. That was to be his grandson Oskar who seemed to be most capable. The duergar leader at this time - as the General had passed away a century before - one Lord Veito Blacktrunn wanted to assure the future of his people no matter who would rule the stronghold made two simple request. The first was that the new High Lord would actually become the King. The second would be that he would take a Queen - a Duergar Queen to be exact, and specifically his daughter. High Lord Rurrik pondered this...


He grudgingly agreed to the first even though knowing this would anger the King of the Empire. Veito agreed to go ask the king hiimself for permission. Sadly, by the time returned High Lord Rurrik had passed away in his sleep before even deciding on the second request. Meanwhile, Veito claimed, and had the proof in the form of a signed Royal Empire Document that the king approved of both his requests.


The new High Lord, and now King Oskar Holderheim agreed to take Veito's daughter as wife. She became Queen Lirtrassa, the first duergar queen to sit side by side with a surface dwarf. Luckily enough, the two seemed a great fit, and worked well together.


Sadly, it didn't take long for the truth of Vieto's lies to come into the light. The Empire had sent an army to the stronghold to punish the murderers, and wipe out the treasonous. A battle ensued, and many lives were lost needlessly on both side. Finally, Queen Lirtassa used her charms to call for a truce, and the parties started to negotiate.


These negotiations were long, and hard; but worked out. It waa found that Vieto was actually a dark sorceror who used the shadows themselves to murder the Empire's King and made it look like King Oskar was the one who gave the order. Obviously, Vieto faked the document. Vieto, after a struggle that destroyed half the palace, and killed nearly a hundred royal guards, was captured. He was sentenced to death, and the order was carried out 10 days later. Just before the Executioner cut off his head, Vieto made one last threat - he cursed the stronghold, and warned that he hoped they enjoyed their Desert Kingdom. Queen Lirtrassa was sadden by her obviously mad father's demise; but knew it had to be done. She was never the same afterwards..


That sad tale aside, thousands of years went by with the stronhold become larger than ever - numbering in the hundreds of thousands with still no end in sight for the flow of mithril. The Royal couple were blessed with many children, and the lives of the dwarves were filled with nothing; but joy. Many smaller strongholds popped up all alla round, and it slowly became a kingdom in its own right.


That, of course, would eventually come to an end...



The Fall: Many years had gone by. Many happy years. However, whispers started to spread about an odd gray cloud to the south of the mounatins headed their way and how this cloud was literally turning the area surrounding the still relatively young kingdom by dwarven standards into a desert - much like the Accursed Veito threatened... This was a slow process, however, and eventually the cloud just vanished. However, when all was said and done, all around the stronghold was a large desert where once there were mountains. Shocked, the current King Libirill turned to the Dwarven Scholars College as well as the wisest of humans and elves to try to determine where the cloud came from, and what exactly happened. No solid leads turned up, and eventually the dwarves had to just move on. Things were still going well so it wasn't all bad news...


Exactly a century later, the mithril strains seemingly started to dry up. It seemed almost unexplainable. Some just shrugged their shoulds and said it was bound to happens, and others felt it was another sign of the rumoured Doomsday of the Dwarves myth.


Irrevocably, all this led to a revolt by a young upstart warrioress called Hilda Hammerlin who blame the royal family for poor planning. After 5 years of bloody fighting on the streets of the City Stronghold as well as the various caves this uprising was brought to a stop. Hilda, even when given the option to surrender, fought to the bitter end even when her former followers realizing the hopelessness, and the mistakes they made in joining her foolishness dropped their weapons. The obviously quite mad Hammerlin even had the gall to scream out, "I WILL KILL YOU ALL!" even as the killing blow struck her right between the eyes. It was said by those closest to her that the young dwarf's change started to become apparant after she had spent a weak 'exploring' an abandoned mithril mine in the closed off South Tunnels, and came back covered in tattoos of all sorts...


This led the king to decide, grudgingly, to lead an expedition himself to find out the possible cause of this disaster. Whatever they saw, who is to say; but whatever it was is unknown since nothing or no one has been heard out of Holderheim since...



The Present: Holderheim Stronghold is often referred to as the Strangled Mithril amongst dwarves, and not referred to at all by other races who have sadly forgotten it completely outside of scholars, and other know-it-alls. It is not even really known where the stronghold exactly is except the fact that it is somewhere hidden in the Great Desert.


Some adventurers have claimed to have been there; but the tales they share seem to be too farfetched to be believed. Golems made of gems, creatures from other planes, and sentient weapons and armour are just some of the rumours mentioned. Not to mention gold, gems, and powerful weapons as well. More recently, some also say that duergar have some sort of camp set up, and thrreaten to kill any who dare to loot the ancient stronghold.


What secrets are hidden inside this Fortress in the Sands? What terrors lurk there that have yet to reveal themselves? Exactly what cause the kingdom's final downfall, and worse yet, does it remain?


Only those who dare to explore, and discover this stronghold may find out the answers; but they may not be pleased with having their questions answered with such finality...



WOWSERS! :) Way too long, and that's the short version without spoilers... <_<





NEXT TIME: To rap up the series on a trio of henchmen portfolios; I will share a write up for one from part 3...




That is all. :huh:


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Since I seem to be in the mood to share, here is the third of the series of henchmen. This one, of course, won't be seen until Witcheta Chronichles 3: White Blood



Character Name: Elfhater (real name is unknown)


Race: Drow


Sex: Male


Age: 300-500 years old (no one is quite sure though)


Class: Fighter/Thief/Assassin


Personality: This drow lives for one thing, and thing only - the death of elves. He doesn't even care if other dark elves are killed in front of them, and won't help save them. Why Elfhater hates his surface cousins so much is unknown; but whatever the reason; this hatred has consumed him completely.

When dealing with non elves, Elfhater cna be quite pleasant, and even quite a joker though his 'jokes' usually involve the disemboweling of elves.


Skills of Note: Assassination, murdering elves, sneaking, poison useage, & painting


Hometown: The Underdark (some unnamed drow city)


Goals: As above, his main goal is to to kill elves. Everything else he does is always in preparation for the Ultimate Death. He, also, has a habit of painting macabre yet beautiful paintings of his most glorious victims, and then selling them to the highest bidder only to gift the gold to the closest non elven church.


Description: Elfehater has the usual long white hair, and red eyes of his drow heritage. He is much more muscular than the average elf. In fact, those who have seen him believe his muscles approach that of your typical dwarven miner. Due to his mixed heritage, Elfhater has somehwta paler skin then a typicald row; but still very dark skinned in his own right. Attractive even for his age, he seems to ber very light on scars for someone who has seen many battles. It's like he has never truly been challenged. The other special detail of note, is the tatoo of a golden sun on his right buttocks. How that information came to be known is well unknown...


Noteworthy Equipment: Unlike most prowlers of the shadows, Elfhater wears fullplate armour painted black yet somehow manages to be able to be a rather good sneak though it's not his usual approach withd ealing with elves since he loves to make sure they see their death coming. The drow seems to be a walking arsenal weapons with a hevay crossbow that seems to never miss, composite long bow that seems to never run out of arrows, an energy draining dagger, and his wepaon of choice a bronze two bladed sword that seems to drop some sort of dark liquid when mixed with the blood of its victims. Who knows what else he carries on his person; but whatever it is it's bound to be used for killing elves at one time or another.


Background: A long time ago, in a cave far below the surface a drow male was born during a ceremony where his father took a slave girl surface elf as his 'companion'. When this was found out, both he and the elven maid were sacrificed to the drow's dark gods - but; not before their child was born. Why the young whitish bastard thing was allowed to live was not revealed to anyone not in the tmeple that day. Rumours amongst the commoners was that the High Priestess was shown the truth of Elfhater's future, and was told in no uncertain terms that the halfbreed was to be unharmed.

From the earliest time possible, Elfhater was indoctrinated into the ways of the drow, and was constantly reminded of his accursed birth and the shame it brought to his family. Constantly in emotional shame of his awful heritage, he snapped and wiped out his entire family, and then ran away.

How he got to the surface no one knows; but considering his skill - both taught and innate - he likely did it the bloodliest way he could. Now, he hunt elves in a sick, crafted manner in order to cleanse himself of their reminder of his dirty origins.






Next Update: We shall see...


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