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mandalore wars inconsistancy

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Here is a direct quote from the Chronicles:

Revan knew he had discovered more than a staging area for the Mandalorian War - he had discovered an ancient, planet-sized Sith storehouse of knowledge. He had discovered a world that held one purpose - to teach and train others in the ways of the Sith. He had discovered a weapon that he could use against the Mandalorians, and a weapon by which he could convert more Jedi to his cause. This process of "turning" Jedi into SITH ASSASSINS continued even as the Jedi Council hailed Revan as a hero, as he lead the Republic forces to victory over the Mandalorians in the skies above Malachor V, and forces them to surrender. Revan is able to draw upon the dark side energies of the planet below and use it during the battle, destroying the Mandalore and ending the Mandalorian threat. Simultaneously, more and more Jedi, unable to ignore the power emanating from the planet below, become corrupted by its influence.


Revan was late to Malachor V, but he/she did make it and did kill Mandalore in the end.


As for the Mass Shadow Generator, I think that idea was cooked up by the Exile and Bao Dur without Revan's knowledge.

I hardly see Revan wanting to risk destroying his/her own secret academy...


I imagine that Revan's tardiness (purposeful?) left the Exile overwhelmed and alone.

As a last resort the Exile triggered the generator...

For god sake ...


Malachor V is a TSL creation, its NEVER mentioned in KotOR and Canderous never said exactly were Revan killed Mandalore.


Again the war ended with Revan killing Mandalore and since Revan never set a foot in Malachor V as far we know (Kreia is -again- wrong, the Republic knew exactly were Korriban was located because it happened to be the place the Republic found the Sith Empire and so would Revan).

For goodness sake get your facts strait before giving a rant...

Canderous mentions Malachor V by name in one of his last convos in KOTOR :)

Edited by Sentry
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Then why lure them to Malachor if not to use the generator? I would think Revan would have to know

People laugh when I say that I think a jellyfish is one of the most beautiful things in the world. What they don't understand is, I mean a jellyfish with long, blond hair.

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Then why lure them to Malachor if not to use the generator? I would think Revan would have to know

The chronicles say pretty clearly that Revan's only purpose for going to Malachor V was so that she could use the planet's power against the enemy and to corrupt her own troops...


Prepared to lose them, yes. I wouldn't say he intended to. Malachor was all-or-nothing for the Jedi on the surface (and Mandalorians) but the ones who were doing the bombarding were already perceived to be on his side. All Revan cared about was that they were successful, turning Jedi to his cause or killing the ones who wouldn't.


Revan didn't want Exile to die. He argued with Malak about it, when Malak wanted to kill Exile for turning away afterward.

I'm sorry but NEVER does either game mention that any part of the battle occured on the surface.


The surface was so corrupting that Kreia fell to the dark side just by walking upon it.

Secondarily, the Mandalorians where said to hold the planet sacred and/or cursed.

I doubt they would want to do battle on the surface...

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i thought this topic was resolved already  :huh:

Hey, I didn't resurrect it :D

Anyway, its an interesting topic that I missed somehow...


I recall that one of the loading screens on Malachor V actually stated that Revan was on the planet's surface at the time, channeling the dark energies of the Trayus Academy to turn the tide of the space battle overhead and manipulate its outcome, like a more external (and probably darker) version of Bastila's Battle Meditation to some degree.

There is such a loading screen, but...

It states that Revan was using the Trayus Academy, but says nothing about him/her being on the surface...

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The surface was so corrupting that Kreia fell to the dark side just by walking upon it.



No offense to you, but that has to be the lamest thing yet <EU>.

People laugh when I say that I think a jellyfish is one of the most beautiful things in the world. What they don't understand is, I mean a jellyfish with long, blond hair.

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The surface was so corrupting that Kreia fell to the dark side just by walking upon it.



No offense to you, but that has to be the lamest thing yet <EU>.

Ya, its stupid, but lucasArts made it up not me...

JEDI MASTER KREIA, Revan's old mentor, is still haunted by guilt, wondering whether it was her teaching that resulted in Revan's fall to the dark side, and begins to search for him. Sensing his last location, she travels to Malachor V, but is unable to shield her emotions, and is completely consumed by the dark side of the Force. She is lost to the Jedi, spending the next several years on Malachor V, learning its secrets, and eventually becoming The master of the Sith academy there. Guided by Kreia's influence, Sith assassins once again begin to emerge silently from Malachor V and strike at isolated Jedi across the Republic, capturing some Jedi to turn to the dark side, and slaying those that resist. Taken to the dark side world of Malachor V to be fed to the planet's dark energies, these Jedi husks create even more assassins and DARK JEDI, feeding the planet's hunger.
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