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Just so you guys know, you have added the line "Disable Vertex Buffer Objects=1" (without quotes) under [Graphics Options] in your kotor2.ini file, right?  I did this and bam, no more slowdowns.  This also works for the original Kotor, and made a huge difference in the way it played.  Just figured I'd throw this at you guys, since I am running with a ATI Radeon X800 Plat Edition, and even I encountered the slowdown until I did this.


Wrong, the line is no longer needed if you use Cats 5.4 CCC.

Just so you guys know, you have added the line "Disable Vertex Buffer Objects=1" (without quotes) under [Graphics Options] in your kotor2.ini file, right?  I did this and bam, no more slowdowns.  This also works for the original Kotor, and made a huge difference in the way it played.  Just figured I'd throw this at you guys, since I am running with a ATI Radeon X800 Plat Edition, and even I encountered the slowdown until I did this.


Wrong, the line is no longer needed if you use Cats 5.4 CCC.


Just trying to help everyone out. It wouldn't hurt to keep the line in there anyways, unless your really uptight about losing less than a byte of hard drive space. :devil:


MaglorD ........ the Dantooine you're speaking of is on KOTOR 1 right?


I was referring to KOTOR 2 Dantooine - I did install CCC 5.4 and still it lags horribly in KOTOR 2 ............ It looks like while they may have fixed KOTOR 1 Dantooine they've broken the KOTOR 2 Dantooine!!!

MaglorD ........ the Dantooine you're speaking of is on KOTOR 1 right?


I was referring to KOTOR 2 Dantooine - I did install CCC 5.4 and still it lags horribly in KOTOR 2 ............ It looks like while they may have fixed KOTOR 1 Dantooine they've broken the KOTOR 2 Dantooine!!!


I was actually referring to Kotor 2 Dantooine. The Exile ran from Khoonda to the outskirts of the enclave and then to the Mandalorian camp and did not encounter lag. Still when I loaded up Malachor V, I noticed the frame rate was half what it was - on my system it used to be around 30-40 with maxed AA/AF at 1280x960, but after removing the DVBO line, it dropped to 15.


Looks like ATI aren't very thorough with their testing and bug fixing. I suppose that happens when they're churning out drivers monthly instead of say half-yearly like Nvidia and doing a proper job of testing. They have a habit of fixing something only to break something else and this is due to their poor testing methodology. In this case, they were trying to address the frame rate issues at the Dantooine level and while they apparently fixed it, they forgot to do a regression test on the rest of the game.


For me in KOTOR 2 Dantooine, after getting off Ebon Hawk and approaching Khoonda BAM! slideshow time - and I also noticed Cat 5.4 CCC also caused A LOT more level transitiion crashes!!!!!


What I do now is use the DVBO line with Cat 4.4 atioglxx.dll and things are running normally with glows and no crashes (fingers crossed)............


they semi fixed dantooine for me....i have 5.4 and a 9700pro and out of the gate it pretty much works with basically everything enabled...but as soon as you quicksave or bring up your inventory in the main area of dantooine ( where koonda and the ebon hawk are) you get the same slowdown again...you can temporarily fix it if you turn change a graphic option like turn off the frame buffer and then it will be fine again until you quicksave or go to your inventory.

they semi fixed dantooine for me....i have 5.4 and a 9700pro and out of the gate it pretty much works with basically everything enabled...but as soon as you quicksave or bring up your inventory in the main area of dantooine ( where koonda and the ebon hawk are) you get the same slowdown again...you can temporarily fix it if you turn change a graphic option like turn off the frame buffer and then it will be fine again until you quicksave or go to your inventory.



lol you're right. After I pressed F4(quicksave), the lag returned. Stupid ATI. Like I said, poor testing methodology.

For me in KOTOR 2 Dantooine, after getting off Ebon Hawk and approaching Khoonda BAM! slideshow time - and I also noticed Cat 5.4 CCC also caused A LOT more level transitiion crashes!!!!!


What I do now is use the DVBO line with Cat 4.4 atioglxx.dll and things are running normally with glows and no crashes (fingers crossed)............



i get less level transition crashes with 5.4 cat...i only crashed once so far and im basically at the part where i have to gather all the masters at the enclave. I remember in my first game i crashed atleast like 4 or 5 times by that point.


I just change AA settings in the game when I get to Dantooine, runs like a dream .. Well untill you save, then you gotta change the settings again :devil:

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