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I'm playing as a female... And I've just got the Disciple(GAY :-" ) and I've walked in and out of the Hawk and... (drums please) I've seen how Kreia teases him... LOL


P.S I would like to got tips on how to influense himD.S






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I love how she teases him!! My favorite one is when she runs really fast past the medbay. I downloaded KSE and turned him into all sorts of interesting things... Hutts, gizka, commoners...



KotOR II: After the Credits Rolled: Read

Force Sight: Read


Gaming Blog: Read

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I am presently playing dark side female as well, for the sake of the male romance bits, and would be interested in getting disciple to join the bad guys :devil:


P.S., Atton's flirty bits...pure gold!

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