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Had some questions regarding breaking down items. I know that you can use other party members to make the items for you, but when you break down items into chemicals and components is the amount of chemicals/components you get based on your Treat Injury/Repair skill or the actual person at the station.




Oh...if you have anything to add about crafting at all plz feel free!


You can make a bird feeder out of a pine cone, peanut butter, and some sunflower seeds

People laugh when I say that I think a jellyfish is one of the most beautiful things in the world. What they don't understand is, I mean a jellyfish with long, blond hair.


20 in repair will allow you maximum breakdown for components.

20 in treat injury will do the same for chemicals.


Who's skill it's based on I'm really not sure. Logicall it should be the person at the table, but it's easy enough to find out just by comparing two characters with very different skills and seeing what number they get for breakdown of the same item.


Not a huge fan of the crafting myself, it's kinda simplistic. I'm more used to the collecting items off dead things and turning them into items type of thing.


Then again since it took me 3 hours to assemble the bits for a complete bondage outfit. Perhaps KOTOR II has the right idea. :D

I have to agree with Volourn.  Bioware is pretty much dead now.  Deals like this kills development studios.



Just did a test and it is based on the person on the bench itself. Kriera had the highest treat injury and she got 150 for breaking down a deadly sonic mine, I had the next highest and got 100 out of it....Atton had the lowest(actually a 0 in treat injury) and was only able to break it down for 1 chemical.


I dont know if this is a bug, but no matter who is at the work bench i can only beak anything up for 1 component, even with Bao Dur. My main character has 0 in repair so maybe the bug causes the game to always use the main characters stats instead of the person at the work bench ;)


I've had the same problem, i.e. crafting seems to be based on the person doing the crafting; breaking down seems to be 1 no matter what, unless my character has decent Repair or Treat Injury, but even then it's sometimes only 1.


it looks like they also meant to have different levels of crafting by the use of feats instead of just the basic list you start and end with. seeing as those feats do nothing i assume they took that out of the game.


ok....this is wierd....earlier I just tested out the Lab Station, and I am getting different results based on different Treat Injury levels. But I just went to the work bench and I'm the same results for anyone I put on the bench...and they have hugely varying Repair skills.....hmmmm


Something is wierd here.....can we put our collective heads together here and find out what the deal is on the workbench...the lab station seems to be working fine....perhaps the workbench only takes the PC's repair ability?



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