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Does Visas not supposed to be aligned in the extreme dark side?


My PC is extremely light and first encountered Visas on the next planet to Telos (for me it was Dxun after finished Onderon). After fighting and tell her the I will not kill her, then have ONLY ONE CONVERSATION, then gain influence 2 times, then leave the Ebon Hawk. When I look at Visas character profile, she was right st the top of the alignment sale (i.e. extremely light).


I happened to know that your influence on characters can affect the alignment, but I don't think it would be that fast. I meant, after the very first conversation. Even after 5 conversations with Mandalore, he is still dark, and Kreia is still Neutral. The handmaiden is slightly light as she was when left Telos.


But a very light Visas, how come? Anyone have any idea? :thumbsup:


Just one of the bugs, happens all the time (all versions)...

When I was DS I met her she was almost DS Mastery, but with LS:

LS option when she lies on the medical room (she turns neutral)

Little talk (she is almost a light side master)


do no. she was a bit above neutral when i first looked. then she lifted quite fast to medium light and tended to fall very fast until i got her right to the top of lightside and she said, she would not understand my pity and that it would weaken me, but i should act as i would as always and that i did not need her counsel. and then she stayed light side mastery till the end. propably she is easier to change because she loves you so much?


Is not a bug

is just that is very easy to max influence with her and when that happen she mimic your "force status"

(it happen for every chars)

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