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"It shipped broken with regards to spell casting and even now (hotu) it cant switch between melee and ranged weapons."


You've been caught. HOTU,a nd even SOU it does switch weapons. Nice try though. Shadow Troll.


Taken serious by who? You? Sorry, but I don't worry what someone who thinks 3rd person games will be dead soon takes seriously.


Keep up the entertainment. :(


P.S. Staionary AI in KOTOR2 simply does not work. Period.


Why dont you just go check then come back all sheepish and admit you are wrong. :lol:


Who said anything about soon ? Wasnt me.


Yes it does if you know what to do.

I have to agree with Volourn.  Bioware is pretty much dead now.  Deals like this kills development studios.


I HATED it on Goto's cruiser on the second time through. ATTON kept on running around everywhere, and when I noticed that he wasn't around, he was surrounded by a gabajillion droids. He also set off almost all the mines :( I'm surprised he didn't die once.


He probably did, but he keeps getting back up anyway as long as someone else is alive.

I have to agree with Volourn.  Bioware is pretty much dead now.  Deals like this kills development studios.



How the hell am I supposed to remember? It was my second game... I'm on my fourth... Also, that game, I sorta screwed up a bunch of stuff while editing it, and decided, screw it, and just deleted all those saves... Then I started messing with my first game, got tired, and made a new game.

How the hell am I supposed to remember? It was my second game... I'm on my fourth... Also, that game, I sorta screwed up a bunch of stuff while editing it, and decided, screw it, and just deleted all those saves... Then I started messing with my first game, got tired, and made a new game.


Possbily a bug then..


Only time I took Atton on the ship the GOTO clones would BBQ him. >_<

I have to agree with Volourn.  Bioware is pretty much dead now.  Deals like this kills development studios.



The Czeka compound on Telos seemed to be a special case problem with the AI, the enemies were just the wrong\right distance apart to cause my Party members to attack all the time.


Usually though I had no particular problems. But the removal of the Defensive Stance does seem a little odd as it would have been particularly useful.


In fact combat in KoTOR2 was often more interesting than in KoTOR1. I found myself using both Shields and Force Powers more often. Party members seemed to be much better at using Feats and Powers than they used to. I even found myself using Solo and Stealth mode more and I can't even count the number of times I used Mira to trick people into walking over Mines... lol


Heck for some strange reason even T3-M4 was useful in combat in KoTOR2 and he was a charcter I never used in the first game.


Well, I'll agree that the behaviour modes greatly improve the combat AI (over KotOR). However, it can still be improved. My peeves are:


If you want a character to use ranged weapons, and set it to aggressive it'll run all over the place to anyone it senses (incl not in line of sight). The main problem here (aside from any mines) is that if the target is in range but out of sight, say around a corner, it won't just go round the corner and then stop and fire but it will run into melee range and then fire.


Alternatively, if I put the same char in ranged or stationary behaviour, it'll happily stay behind the corner and do nothing.


Regarding Jedi Support, my only slight grievance is that the AI don't seem to grasp when the last enemy is dead. What is the point of activating force powers (other than heal) after combat? Actually, equipping a ranged weapon seems to help as it won't start by running into combat range before using powers (just dosn't seem very Jedi-like).

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