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Possible to petition LA/Obsid?

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Is it possible for us, who are having issues with the game, to petition Lucas Arts and Obsidian into letting us know what's going on "patch wise", etc? Would it be worth it to pressure them into releasing a statement about a patch (and if one is in the works..)?


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Is it possible for us, who are having issues with the game, to petition Lucas Arts and Obsidian into letting us know what's going on "patch wise", etc? Would it be worth it to pressure them into releasing a statement about a patch (and if one is in the works..)?


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Online petitions (of any kind) have ZERO effect on companies.


What really makes a difference is actually calling up their Customer Service/Tech-Support lines, snail-mailing your complaints (because e-mail can be filtered and deleted) and basically just organizing mass boycotts of gamers to just quit buying games made or published by certain companies... That will never happen, but is the number one thing that NEEDS to happen or this industry is going to get worse in my humble opinion.


Just my two cents...

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I agree with the above for the most part. However, posting notices of problems and your opinion of service on fan sites (or official sites like this one) also has the effect of getting others to possibly think a bit more about making that purchase decision. This is something that a developer/publisher would want to limit, so in that sense it can have an effect on what they do about patches and QA in general.

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