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I am at Telos at the Polar area and there is this cutscene where Kreia has a discussion with Atton, each of them talking to the other from inside a holing cell.

The problem is that Kreia is talking to an empty cell and the empty cell replies as Atton!! The cutscene does not crush. It just looks rediculus


Has anyone experienced this problem?


I play on an ATI 9700. Latest divers (5.02 i think) and have no other graphics or stability problems whatsoever.


Sadly I can't provide you with a solution for this problem, I can however tell you that Atton appears just fine for me during the dialouge between him and Kreia.

"When the foul sore of envy corrupts the vanquished heart, the very exterior itself shows how forcibly the mind is urged by madness. For paleness seizes the complexion, the eyes are weighed down, the spirit is inflamed, while the limbs are chilled, there is frenzy in the heart, there is gnashing with the teeth."


Had the same problem. Atton was misplaced somehow. In my case, he was lying outside the cellroom next to the Last Handmaiden. I found him there and could progress as if nothing happened. The dialogue went as usual and Kreia responded as if we were in the same room. Unless you cannot find Atton anywhre on the map it won't be a problem.

Try a savegame befopre you entered the Acedemy. In worst case you ahve to reinstall and load the savegame then. If that is too much of a hassle for you, well, it does not really affect the game anyway.

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