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I have rented and finished KOTOR I havent touched TSL.


I'm hearing alot of bad things about TSL like framerate and BUGS.

But I'm also hearing good things like the 9.3 it got from IGN and It got alot of best RPG awards and Best Story awards.


I have to wait until the summer to get an xbox and my PC sucks.

(the most advanced game it can play is Jedi Academy and even that isnt perfect)


So I have played and finished KOTOR.

I dont remember all of it. ( main parts though )


My QUESTION is Should I get KOTOR wich I know is my favorite game EVER Or should I get TSL ?


This is really frustrating me and I need some answers so thanks for any and all of them.


BTW when I rented it my cousin had let me borrow his XBOX


Pick up the original, .... it's rather cheap now for the xbox, and it lacks the bugs.


TSL is quite buggy (the PC version seems to have the most problems at the moment). I get the impression that alot of the high ratings reflect that the reviewers probably had an "advance copy" and forsaw the bugs they experienced being fixed by the time the game was released. That sort of sloppy reporting isn't a new thing, many reviews are based on earlier versions of a game.


Some people are able to play without a bunch of crashing, but everyone gets to experience the wonder of broken quests, skills, and glitchy conversations.


Just buy the original, maybe a "Game of the Year" edition of TSL will come out later with bugfixes (speaking of xbox).


Ya but the thing is....I've already played KOTOR and I know everything in there already ( I probably did al quests except like 2 of em )


I'm afraid the bugs in TSL will ruin the game for me.......


Alright, let me put it this way then. Any way you look at this, it basically comes down to an opinion (if a game is "ruined" by bugs). So...


I've played, and won TSL, more than once. I was really excited about the game, since I really loved the first one (which I still own). You can play through the game without hitting a bunch of gamestopping bugs (I would consider that ruining the game), and I was able to do it my first time through. I enjoyed some parts of the game, and was annoyed by others. Getting to know the characters the first time around, and getting to use some Jedi powers in new locales is nice.


What irks me I suppose, is the considerable lack of polish on the game. This is a game on a console, console games are general put together pretty well and bug-free, since there's not much you can do with the game once its there. This game manages to be a big exception to the rule.


Bothersome bugs: some of the Jedi powers don't work as advertised, the Force Aura line (same as the first game, defense and saves) gives no defense, Master Speed also lacks the defense bonus, and there are some other skill issues as well. How many games have you played on consoles that had skills/abilities that did nothing (and were supposed to do somthing)?


There are quests that have lead-ins, but nothing happens, and other quests that have pieces existing, but you can't complete them.


Conversations are glitchy, but even more annoying to me personally is lack of oversight in terms of continuity. In the first game, if you established a relationship with... say Carth, and tried talking with him later - he'd have pretty much nothing to say. Perhaps you could've hoped for more, but he wasn't acting out of character. All of the characters in this game show no indication that you've talked to them before for the most part. You can engage in the exact same dialogue at the end of the as the beginning, there's no change, and the characters reflect nothing in their speech for the most part (and this in a game which touts an "influence" system, which one would think would make for more realism than the previous game).


Some things are kinda wrong with the game that aren't "bugs" really. The game is too easy: only the final fight provides any difficulty for anyone... strategy of any kind is never necessary (there are some bad issues with AI and your teammates though, so perhaps this is a good thing... or a programmer work-around?). Most people seem to be disappointed with the ending, in which closure is attempted mostly via text as opposed to some sort of "scene". It's short, though about the same length as the first one.... this is something that one would hope they would improve on though.



All that being said, I don't "regret" my purchase necessarily. I basically had an ok time playing the game, but I was frustrated by the many issues it came with. To use an analogy: picture winning a car, but finding out it's A/C is broken and has numerous other "minor" issues... odd engine noises, squeaky brakes, a bad paint job.. and they can't be fixed (a la Xbox). You might still like the fact that you can take this car for a spin, but you expected something nicer.


I conclusion, I traded TSL in for some preorders, but I still own KoTOR-1. Hopefully I've been informative, but only you can decide where your money goes... and if the aforementioned issues are enough to "ruin" a game for you...


If you have an X-Box then keep renting. Rent KotOR 2 to judge for yourself. If you have a PC buy them KotOR 1 is pretty cheap now and as for KotOR 2 you can wait for the first patch, which would be prudent but so far I haven't came across any game stopping bugs. Just some graphical hiccups and Runtime Error in the C++ code.

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