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What the h*ll is going on!? Please help!

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**(Please limit any spoilers to minimum)**


Ok, I missed something.


Not sure if I didn't get a movie or I accidentally clicked past it, but what the heck is going on!?


I re-watched intro.


I re-started game and carefully read message log, but I still can't figure out where I learn that a) I have been exiled, b) I am veteran of Mandalorn war...


I mean, ok I got the feat that says Mandalor Vet. Ok, cool, I guess I fought in the war. *shrug*


The Problem is... I am getting conversation options that come out of the blue.


For example: When talking to Atton for the first time I get..

a) I have been away for the last 10 years and don't know what

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As it goes further into the game more will come to light and more will make sense...you hope.  :cool:


Yep, most of your questions will be answered. Actually, you will answer them yourself as you see fit. You'll understand later on.

"Some men see things as they are and say why?"
"I dream things that never were and say why not?"
- George Bernard Shaw

"Hope in reality is the worst of all evils because it prolongs the torments of man."
- Friedrich Nietzsche


"The amount of energy necessary to refute bull**** is an order of magnitude bigger than to produce it."

- Some guy 

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BTW you dont have amnesia in this game.

Your character fought in the Mandalorian Wars and was exiled for doing that by the Jedi Council...remember the Jedi Council did not want Revan and Co. to go fight the Mandalorians from the first game? While your class is Jedi you are no longer a Jedi Knight. And you are back to level 1 for some reason...but it will all make sense later on.



Dont really think those are spoilers but just to be safe

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As it goes further into the game more will come to light and more will make sense...you hope.  :cool:


They'll be more info available, but I don't know if it will make a whole lot more sense.

People laugh when I say that I think a jellyfish is one of the most beautiful things in the world. What they don't understand is, I mean a jellyfish with long, blond hair.

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