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I know I've posted this before, but I don't rember where. So, here goes:


1) After I save and reunite all the Jedi Masters, why do they shun me again? I understand that I am a "wound" in the Force, and can somehow Kill the Force and all life, but as a LSer, I chose not to do any such thing. And, after encountering all the Jedi Masters, they all say "Hey, good to have you back" which I take to mean "We are allowing you back into the Jedi Order". Then Vrook and company go and suck my powers away again. This leads to question 2.


2) After "Striping" me of the Force, which they never did in the first place right? I still have them when I go to Onderon, Dxun, Telos, and Malachor V. My question is: Is this because of my link to Darth Traya? Do I still have the Force because she still does? This is what I think, which leads to question 3.


3) After destroying Darth Traya, we found out that the bond between us was indeed non-fatal (She died and I did not). However, I always thought that my conection to the Force was returning becuase of my link to Darth Traya, and becuase my horrible experience at Malachor V was slowly wearing away. Since Darth Traya died, do I still have the Force at my command? Am I indeed a Jedi, nolonger an Exile of the Order, that I must recreate (I never trained anyone in the ways of the Force) hence making me head-honcho? The Yoda of the old republic?


Answer these ?' for me please to the best of your ability, it will be most appreciated. If you already have, I am sorry for losing my last post. Re-post again PLEASE I beg of you!

I know I've posted this before, but I don't  rember where.  So, here goes:


1)  After I save and reunite all the Jedi Masters, why do they shun me again?  I understand that I am a "wound" in the Force, and can somehow Kill the Force and all life, but as a LSer, I chose not to do any such thing.  And, after encountering all the Jedi Masters, they all say "Hey, good to have you back" which I take to mean "We are allowing you back into the Jedi Order".  Then Vrook and company go and suck my powers away again.  This leads to question 2.


2)  After "Striping" me of the Force, which they never did in the first place right?  I still have them when I go to Onderon, Dxun, Telos, and Malachor V.  My question is:  Is this because of my link to Darth Traya?  Do I still have the Force because she still does?  This is what I think, which leads to question 3.


3)  After destroying Darth Traya, we found out that the bond between us was indeed non-fatal (She died and I did not).  However, I always thought that my conection to the Force was returning becuase of my link to Darth Traya, and becuase my horrible experience at Malachor V was slowly wearing away.  Since Darth Traya died, do I still have the Force at my command?  Am I indeed a Jedi, nolonger an Exile of the Order, that I must recreate (I never trained anyone in the ways of the Force) hence making me head-honcho?  The Yoda of the old republic?


Answer these ?' for me please to the best of your ability, it will be most appreciated.  If you already have, I am sorry for losing my last post.  Re-post again PLEASE I beg of you!


1) You are shunned because they think that the Sith will track you to Dantooine and kill them. Vrook says so. They don't really suck your powers away, as you will see in answer 2.


2) They don't strip you of the force, Kreia stops them. You did have your eyes open during the cutscene, right?


3) How did you manage to play the whole game and stil be confused on this issue? You, the exile, use the force by leeching it from others. You channel the force through your companions and through absorbing the life-force of those whom you kill. You are not directly in contact with the force, having cut yourself off from it to survive Malachor 5. You are not an actual Jedi because you were exiled, twice. However with all members of the Jedi Council now dead, the point is somewhat moot.


Well, the answers you gave to my question where what I suspected, but wasn't entirely sure. Expect for one thing, I thought the Jedi Council did strip me of the Force because I did fall down and was passed out. But onto a new question that is been buggin' me for a little while. Oh yeah and don't be rude about this one k.


1) How on earth, did Kriea/Darth Traya just reunite and get back in kahoots with Darth Sion??? I think I might have actually fallen alseep for that cut-scene.


p.s. If the Jedi Order is indeed extinct except for me, the Exile wich in-turn makes me noty a Jedi what in the blue hell am I then smarty-pants? I mean I realize that I leach off of others, and that with me training no Jedi on my quest I guess everyone is screwed except fot Revan, he is still a Jedi and he is out there in the unknown regions. Can I be accepted back into the Order through Revan, the last TRUE Jedi?

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