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Question: Why was Darth Nihilus hyped so much

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O.K. here it comes: How did Exile teach Nihilus the dark power of Hunger? I get that Nihilus is a "wound" in the Force as are you, but you became a "wound" through battle and many deaths. After soooo much war, you even disconnected yourself from the Force.


Darth Nihilus however learned it from the Trayus Academy, and therefore you taught him nothing. I have a feeling that Darth Nihilus' past will come to light in KOTOR III. What maked me think this? Well his strange death is a huge part of it. He just seemed to evaporate into thin air, maybe because he was very powerful in the Darkside of the Force, or maybe because he can re-awaken. I am personally very intersted in Nihilus' past. As of now all I know is he is mondo-powerful, can destroy the life-force of an entire planet, and as Darth Traya said "he is just a man".

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He fell so easy so *everyone* could beat the game

People laugh when I say that I think a jellyfish is one of the most beautiful things in the world. What they don't understand is, I mean a jellyfish with long, blond hair.

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Darth Nihilus wasn't a cameo. Besides Revan, Nihilus was also talked about like a GOD. How he doesn't see people but stars and planets and how his power is the pinnacle of what his underlings can do in time. Darth Nihilus is the one of the coolest villains I have ever seen or heard about but one of the worst villains when you actually face him. :)

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