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I need some answers....

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Okay I'm on Nar Shaddaa now trying to find the Jedi of course, but I'm to the point where I just have no idea what I'm doing and what I must do next.


I understand that I need to find this ID Code for the Ebon Hawk and I understand that I must find this Jedi. Surrounding this seems to be problems with the Exchange and the Refugees in which I plan on helping the Refugees. I also understand that bounty hunters including Mira is trying to hunt me.


I have a problem. There is a LOAD and I mean a LOAD of side quest on this planet. None in which has anything to do with a ID Code and Jedi Master...you know things that I NEED to be attending to. I have killed off the whole gang of the Asian guys, I killed off a bunch of Exchange Thungs but I for some damn reason cannot kill off that leader....the squid guy. I've walked around the whole place and seems as if the only people I talk to is offering me yet ANOTHER side mission. Help me find this person, help me find this, help me find that. I'm like DAMN what about the ID code, Jedi Master, and what about those damn bounty hunters I haven't ran into a pack of them yet. It is as if they are hidding from me. It is just pissing me off.


Before I saved the game and turned it off I ran into some gang near and inside my Ebon Hawk. I got rid of them and then I went to talk to Atton about what that Twi'lek said about him at the Refugee sector. Then I saved it and turned it off.


It is just seeming like there is a whole bunch of other **** going on in this planet that has NOTHING to do with what I am supposed to be doing. This is just a planet full of side quest everywhere you turn. Do some of these side quest lead to where I need to go? If so tell me which ones. If not, then just point me in the right direction.

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First off, once you killed off everyone on the Ebon Hawke, a cut scene should have been triggered with Visa Marr, if she's not already in your party.


After I killed the gang members, I got off the ship, and another cut scene was triggered with a holo message from Visquiss inviting me to that Jekkwhatever bar. That pretty much set everything else in motion.


I played through a lot of side quests for XP, DS points and credits.


Also, since Atton confessed his past sins to you, you should be able to convince him to become a Jedi now.

Proud purveyor, owner and operator of the Wonder Twins

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I've seen the cutscene where the Wookie picks up Mira by the throat, I saw that one.


I haven't convinced Atton to be a Jedi yet. I ask him if he would speak more about his experiences in the Mandalorian War but he says that it is another story for another time.


I talked to the black guy near the Ebon Hawk when I first arrived and he said that if he sees anything, he'll let me know.


However in my Journal I have an entry saying to meet someone at the Jekk Jekk bar to try to convince him to do something. I went all over the bar and talked to everyone and nothing happened. I still however cannot get into that private room.

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I wish I could help you out more.


Before I went to the bar, some more cut scenes with Mira and the wookie were triggered, and when I finally entered the bar, I had to kill all the gands before I could get to the private room.

Proud purveyor, owner and operator of the Wonder Twins

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You have to get some "x" to decrease your wisdom, only with a lower IQ can you *meld* with your character

People laugh when I say that I think a jellyfish is one of the most beautiful things in the world. What they don't understand is, I mean a jellyfish with long, blond hair.

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I think that I just have a bad disk cause I did EVERY possible side mission there but yet I still haven't gotten that invitation into the private room. I don't know whats going on, maybe my game is just messing up and maybe I'm going to have to start all over.


I remember in my Journal there was an entry saying that I needed to go inside the Jekk Jekk club to try to convince some dude to do something. I never did that but yet that entry is no longer in my journal under active quest or complete quest. It just vanished....even though I never did the quest. Catch my drift?


So in all maybe my game is just screwing up. Cause everyone even that strategy guide is saying that I should have went to a cut-scene once I got off my Ebon Hawk after fighting those men. But....I never got that cut-scene.

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