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Ok so I only have onderon left to do, and I just got off the yacht and mira are in my party and I just rebuilt hk 47, and kreia told me to go to the enclave and wont talk to me until I do....





I just finished the influence and fighting with handmaiden and got her to want to be a jedi....


and then it says handmaiden takes her first steps as a jedi guardian but while I was having this convo it shows kreia in the ebon hawk saying


"it is the end"


and then "betrayel"


and immediatly after that it launches me into atris's place on Telos, half naked, and the place is empty...noones there, the meditation chambers locked, and it wont let me walk into the ebon hawk....


WTF is that about?

Is this a glitch or something?!?


Please Help!!!

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Ok so I only have onderon left to do, and I just got off the yacht and mira are in my party and I just rebuilt hk 47, and kreia told me to go to the enclave and wont talk to me until I do....





I just finished the influence and fighting with handmaiden and got her to want to be a jedi....


and then it says handmaiden takes her first steps as a jedi guardian but while I was having this convo it shows kreia in the ebon hawk saying


"it is the end"


and then "betrayel"


and immediatly after that it launches me into atris's place on Telos, half naked, and the place is empty...noones there, the meditation chambers locked, and it wont let me walk into the ebon hawk....


WTF is that about?

Is this a glitch or something?!?


Please Help!!!



yea dude, lol i def think that is a glitch

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Ok now THIS is ****ED.....



I decided to not have that convo with handmaiden and just go to dantoine like kreia said...but then the whole thing with the jedi masters turning on me happens and etc. even tho I havent been to Dxun/Onderon at all during this play thru....and kavar is there at the danotoine academy and everything...what the hell....


and now I' chases kreai to telos like b4 and fought atris and etc. and now I'm fighting the Sith on Telos....but wtf man....After that I kill Nihilis and should go to malachor 5 like b4....cuz this is my second play thru so I know what happens...but whats the deal this is a major ****ing bug....I dont get to go to onderon now...????????



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LMAO....ok hold on. Your half naked on Telos where Atris is and you can't do anything. I have ran across a problem VERY similar to that. I will do the same thing....talk to Handmaiden, get her to want to become a Jedi, Kriea says betrayal....now it is SUPPOSED to go to a Telos cutsceen where Atris says some things. Instead for me I just a get a blank screen, but I have the ability to open up the menu and talk to Handmaiden....just can't move or see anything. i have tried many ways to avoid this...but can't. In both cases I believe it is a glitch and Obsidian should recal this game and send out one that is less buggy....this is retarded. Until then just reload or start a new game.

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I'm pissed, I just restarted my lightside jedi guardian game with a new portrait and name...grrrr all this work......the first kotor was fun to play 7 times but I'm already frusterated as hell on my 2nd/3rd time with KOTOR 2.....I like the characters in this better, and the story (until the very end buttttttt its growing on me I gotta say)


but these glithces seriously take out the replayability.....haha



I know Chris Avellone always talked about replayability of K2...but I didnt think they'd leave so many game ending glitches that basically FORCE u to replay it haha!

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