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Hi im sorry i have been playing for awhile already and i was wondering, im almost at the end of the game, i landed with the batlissk already and i dont have force crush yet. I was wondering if someone could tell me where they got the force crush power and when. Thanks alot


i heard u get it when u go back to dantooine. that could be wrong though.

the force is what gives a jedi his power. its an energy field created by all living things. it surrounds us and penetrates us. it binds the galaxy together


I got it on Malachor V. It came in handy because it is basically unblockable so you can spam it on people and watch them drop.


They should have gave it to you earlier in the game,or let it be a power you can select like the others but make it so you could only get it when you turned level 18 or so.

Better yet,remember those force clouds(or whatever they are) in that Sith Tomb on Dxun?Well you was given a choice to control yourself or give in to the darkside,well if you give in to the darkside you got a free force power.They should've made it so you could get it that way.

I think I remember reading a preview that said you get it on Dxun if you give in to the darkside,but they probably changed it which sucks.

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