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Female romance help?


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Wow... I'm going just give a general answer here, because I am not going to try and read that. Sorry. Please use sentances and, more importantly, paragraphs. They make you post so much easier to read.


Anyway. There are no true romances in KotOR2. There are certain characters who will express feelings towards your character, but it is part of the story which you have no effect over. I saw the name "Desciple" in there -- his "love" for you is, as I interpreted it, more of a brother/sister love. A love that is protective rather then romantic.


I don't know if this helps at all with you question. If you could please break up your mass paragraph we will all be able to read it more easily, and thus answer it better.

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I'm having the same exact problem. I also persuaded them both to become jedi (Atton first, then Disciple who was cake to talk into). But then I saw a lot of Disciple related scenes including the meditating one you mentioned. Didn't see much of Atton anymore for the rest of the game.


Like Boiler said these aren't true romances, they are just things to do on the side (apparently). I'm going to assume for now that you should just pursue influence one guy per game. I'm just going to ignore Disciple and focus on Atton. Once I finish up my second playthrough i'll post my findings.

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