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Weekend Programmer #5

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Akari, can you tell us at least the name of the third Sith Lord on the cover.


Can you have an apprentice?


Will you have to face any SL multiple times? (like Malak)


EDIT: I forgot to ask; can you even answer my questions?

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Whew. Okay, last post for me today. #400 for me!


Will party members move aroun d the Ebon Hawk, instead of just standing there?

Some will. I notice that T3M4 is always scooting around weilding spots as if repairing places. :)


Every NPC seems to have 2 abilities: We know Mira has rockets. Anything else?



Screenshots seem to indicate unarmed is a viable combat choice now, is that so?

Unarmed is very viable now. There are feats dedicated to improving the damage and such on it, to the point that you can do some hefty unarmed damage if you focus on it enough.


Another ability Mira has is called 'Point Guard'. Whenever she's leading the party (I.e., you are actively controlling her), the party will not set off mines. Also, she will never set off mines herself, even when she isn't the leader.


Does Bao-dur use the same weapon the whole game (is it upgradeble)? And how strong is the staff compared to the lightsaber? If no than is there any non-jedi meele characters

Bao Dur can be equipped with anything that you'd like to have him equip, limited only by the feats you chose for him.


Will there be more Dialogue opions (like force choke non-vital NPCs)


Will we be able to defuse some of the scripted confrontations through dialogue or will everything be solved via Hack&Slash ?


BTW thanks for taking time to anwser our questions on this forum.

I'm not sure about the dialog options. I haven't had the chance to play the game normally enough myself to really know. But I do believe there are ways to peacefully resolve some situations, but don't expect to talk your way out of everything. :)


I've been looking at the screen shots on the new website and there appears to be several different types of robes. So i was just wondering if robes are one of the things that can be made from breaking down components or do you just find them or complete a quest for them?

I don't think you can craft any robes. So they're all things you'll need to obtain somehow.


Are the DS conversation choices very thuggish, or more subtle? I hated being a "gimme all your money or else!" guy in KOTOR, and I hope DS conversation choices aren't nearly so boring. Thanks for your time.

I don't know about subtle... but they're pretty evil. You can be a pretty cruel character. In very non-subtle ways. There maybe subtle parts as well, but I might not know about them since I haven't played the game normally yet.




In K1, when you interacted with a non-party NPC, the PC always initiated the dialogue, regardless of whether you clicked using a party NPC or not.


Since its been stated that in K2 we will have to to split the party in two teams at certain times, how will this character interaction work in the party which does NOT have the PC? 


Also, who will attain any subsequent force alignment points acquired during the dialogue - the PC regardless or the actual party NPC used?



When you're controlling different party members when the groups are split, then the dialogs will be with them instead of the player character. The dialogs have been written with this in mind. :)


Can you tell us roughly how many NPC's (joinable) are in?

There are 12 total possible NPCs. Of those you can end up with a total of 10.


Hey, I got a question, will there be apprentices? I don't know if you've answered this before, but I would really like to know. Also, what about the "special" lightsaber of the PC's before he/she was sent into exile, what's so special about it?

Well, the LA site sort've lets on about the apprentices stuff. Yes, there are apprentices. :)

About the player's lightsaber, statistically, it's pretty strong as far as Lightsabers go. Story-wise, it's got its own place.


No questions for you today Akari, you already answered the ones I had many months ago. Atually, I don't really want to know more about the game before I get it. Here is to the PC version on the shelves and on time in febrruary  :)


PS: Actually, I do have a questions. What on earth are you going to do on weekends if you are not working weekends anymore ???

I'm going to start playing that stack of games that have piled up since I haven't had time!

Rome Total War

Doom 3

Evil Genius

More Planetside

More City of Heroes

Burnout 3

Other stuff...



Anyway, this wraps it up for me tonight. I just wanted to say you're welcome for the few answers I was able to give. And I wanted to emphasize that just because I happen to post the most here doesn't mean there aren't a ton of awesome developers on this project. They're all working hard to deliver a good game and they all deserve credit for their efforts even if they're not so post-happy as I am. :)



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