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TSL dark robes looks like what Anakin wears in EP3

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If I recall the line is "Wipe them out.......... All of them"


Here's what I got from the films or atleast what I think I got from them:

Darth Sidious manipulated the senate into creating tarrifs on trade and imposing harsh taxes on trade routes. This got them ticked at set up the rise of the seperatists. Furthermore he pinned the trade federation againts naboo to kill amidala (to get the military creation act passed, he would have to get rid of padme, the lead oposistion to the military creation act) At the same time he rose to supreme chancelor using the naboo chrisis he created. Maul was under the impression that they were going to use the angered trade federation and other large companies/organizations harmed by the trade laws/taxes/tarrifs. He was to protect to protect the federation and make sure that padme would be assasinated afterwards. The trade federation's failure set back his plans for military creation. And thus he had Duku have a clone army made by the kaminoans for a battle ready force to be introduced in the war to come.


In Episode 2 duku has swayed the corperations to break off from the republic and start a war. Meanwhile palpatine has been molding anakin, telling him to trust his emotions no matter what they are, stroking his ego. Duku is ordered (by sidious) to yet again try to assasinate amidala. This would like most of palpatines ideas, serve a duel purpose. His oposition to creating a miltiary would be gone, and anakin would be consumed by hatred, and become his ultimate pawn, striking down duku for the assasination and becoming the cold apprentice to sidious, darth vader. However this failed, so he manipulated anakin, driving him to search for his mother, who he had already placed in the hands of the tusken raiders, as a back up plan, and to possibly futher enrage anakin if the death of padme wasn't enough. Anakins mother's death drives him to the darkside, he then procedes to wipe out an entire tusken enclave out of anger, slaughtering all he could find. The darkside was growing within him. And thus palpatine placed the final few peices. He had obiwan captured only after he could transmit the message of coming war. Manipulating the weak mind of jar jar allowed him to propose giving supreme powers to the chancelor. He then manipulated the entire senate. Given supreme power he used the already made clone army to start a war with the seperatists. Duku had been using the seperatists to create plans for the death star, the imperial weapon that would secure a hold on the entire galaxy. Duku doesn't see Sidious' plot to betray him and have anakin take his place. And thus he is a meer pawn. The war begins and palpatine in ultimate controle of it's fate. And so begins his rise to power.


On the topic, yeah they do resemble the robes in the films a bit, but then again the robes in the films weren't all too original to begin with. Not that anythings wrong with them or anything like that

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