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More Group involvment

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I think they should add more group involvement in the game. Like in the first one how Canderous would always threaten but never do anything.....or how they hardly ever responded when you told people "time to die bug face". expecialy when you had Carth in your group.....

They should have Carth refuse to fight or have Canderous attack when he threatens.....or when people threatened you....HK-47 should have blasted them

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I would like to see the use of the rest of your party more, instead of just leaving everyone on the hawk the whole time, you could tell half of them to go do something while you and a couple others could go do something else. And in your next run through of the game you could do the opposite, this would increase the replay value immensly.




Using a gamepad to control an FPS is like trying to fight evil through maple syrup.

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Characters actually doing something after you get them (the initial entry dialogue)...has that ever really been done in an RPG (gasp!).


This is one of the major shortcomings I find in RPGs. You get a character, they have alot of dialogue, and that's about it for the game. Sometimes there's a character sidequest, but it doesn't really make a difference. The character often doesnt' say that much even in their own sidequest.

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