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Star Forge Robes

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Upon looking through the new screen shots for KOTOR II on game spot I noticed that in one of the photos their was a jedi wearing the Star Forge Robe. This could mean many diffrent things, it could mean anyhting from you found it on Revans corpse or Revan will make some type of apperance or or it could just be some replica armor inspired by the robes. Or I could just be reading to much in too this, I just found it to be interesting. Here's the photo.





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i still wouldnt mind wearing them if they're in the game, but i guess we wont know for sure untill the game is for sale.


anyways, with the new jedi robes and the fact that they'll be upgradeble i think we wont need the star forge's robes because there probably be a new robe that has pretty much the same qualities.

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