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I'm on my second playthrough, and it got me thinking. If a character we've used carries over into DLC, I would want my Wizard(first playthrough) to carry over. The question is, how easy is that if you've played new games with a new characters? I see all saved are dumped into the same folder(on PC) even though you can't see more than your new characters saves.  I'm hoping either we create a new character or the game will see all playthroughs and ask you which one to continue with. Not sure if we've heard any news on how this will work or if someone from Obisidian can shed some light?


Hey, I had no idea a DLC was on the works. I am about to start a second playthrough... Amazing game. Bleste amazing game. A new companion? Wow, that seems hard to pull off, right? I mean, the stories of each companions seem so tight to the locations. Anyway, glad to know this game is reciving some love. A juicy DLC could me more than welcome.

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