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How to remove negative faction reputation ?

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Do you know a way to remove negative reputation for a faction ?

I know you can add points with the console command:


DispositionAddPoints (disposition name)disposition strength (minor, average, major)


Repuatationaddpoints FCT_**** (After the underscore just hit TAB key until you get to the faction you want) Positive/Negative Minor/Average/Major




But I don't know if it is possible to remove negative points with console command or maybe a mod ?




Edited by SenSx
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For factions specifically, Positive and Negative reputations are tracked separately by the game. As such adding a negative number to the Negative axis will reduce it without affecting the Positive axis.

With that in mind you can create a mod with a new "ChangeStrength" and set the "ReputationValue" to a number with minus "-" before it. Then use it in the Console Command or a Script to reduce the Negative faction rep by that number.

Something like:

  "GameDataObjects": [
      "$type": "Game.GameData.ChangeStrengthGameData, Assembly-CSharp",
      "DebugName": "Reduce_Major",
      "ID": "39a0dbf5-fe80-4bba-9e9c-b0edfc2003a0",
      "Components": [
          "$type": "Game.GameData.ChangeStrengthComponent, Assembly-CSharp",
          "ReputationValue": -8,
          "DispositionValue": 0,
          "RelationshipValue": 0,
          "DisplayName": 1784,
          "FormatString": 1299


Edited by Kvellen
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