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Sleeping Until Morning: add ability to sleep less than 8 hours

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Grounded 1.1 adds the following feature:

  • When sleeping, if your wakeup time was in the middle of the night, you now will wake up in the morning.

I think this makes the game a bit more confusing by optimizing for the opposite scenario that I expected.

If you sleep at 20:08 you wake up at 6:00, sleeping for 10 hours. That's a long sleep! In this case the previous behavior of waking up at 4 AM is preferable in my opinion. You can prepare for and start your journey before the sun starts, and can already be in place to explore once it rises.

Moreover if you fall asleep at say 1 AM, you still wake up at 9 AM. 2 AM, 10 AM. That behavior annoying eats into your daytime exploration. The patch did not change this behavior.

What I really want is the ability to sleep until morning, even if shorter than 8 hours. I could return back to the base after a long day, do some early nighttime work, and then fall asleep without having the extra time awake cut into my day as it currently does.

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I wish instead of a set default of 8hours, or 6am wake tine that they allowed you to essentially set your own sleep timer and schedule, but if you slept less than the 8 hours you'd get a small debuff (reduces max stamina and  recovery) depending on how many hours you select. This allows players to choose when they sleep and wake up, Incase they want to rest for a night run or take a debuff but still wake up at dawn. 

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The most reasonable thing would be to stop guessing the wishes of each specific player altogether, but simply give him the opportunity to determine the wake-up time himself (by the clock displayed in the dialogue when the bed is activated, and ideally, also use the new grandfather clock in this process). The only reasonable limit is the minimum wake interval (so that it somehow matches the sleep buffs).

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