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It's kind of surprising, but this has never happened in any of my Hylea's runs up until this point. It must be AI related, most AI just won't bother trying to charm/dominate Vela, but not the Giant Spores! Here she is trying to punch my mainchar



I wish I had looked in the combat log b.c. i'm very curious what her damage is like (she did hit a couple times). eventually though the "i'm scared" ai kicked in, and while she wasn't cowering, she would just wander in place.



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yeah, one of the reasons why a whale of a wand may be very useful with a cipher on ultimate, you can charm Vela to start a fight spamming fast psychovampiric shield on her, just be sure to be far away enough from enemies that she does not run for them. The nice thing is that once she calms a little, she will stay there until you change map/reload

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