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Chest and basket zipline attachment

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Pretty simple, you would just relocate a chest/basket to a Zipline and it would attach, maybe even have a option where it doesn't move until you send it so you can load stuff into the container before sending it off. I think this would be an amazing thing for people who like to go on long gathering sessions across the map or maybe want to make a new base but don't want to deal with the relocation of their chests. I mean if a player puts the work in to have Ziplines going all over the map, maybe we should be able to do more and have ways to maybe just send items over long distances like with the stems. This could even be really helpful if you have a multiplayer world and your friend needs food or repair ingredients for their stuff but are all the way across the map, instead of just heading home their friend could just send over stuff and they can continue on with whatever they need to do across the map

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  • 2 years later...

I also agree that this is a needed feature. It's a big map and one of the primary things in this game aside from exploration is resource gathering to upgrade your equipment. It takes a lot out of the game if you have to retrace your steps hundreds and hundreds of times literally when collecting large amounts of resources. Relatively easy fast mass item transportation should be "early game" unlockable. Or just available when you unlock the ability to make ziplines at all. Features like this are needed rather than wanted because everyone's time is valuable and moving items manually is a waste of time. Added to the fact that frankly it makes no sense why you wouldn't be able to put it on a zipline especially as grass and weed stems can already. Not to mention People are carried on zip lines. A small closed box/basket is no problem. Especially if you the player could have those items on you and also go down the line with your body weight too. Even if it wasn't for all that it's a quality of life feature regardless of the fact that it makes real world sense as plenty can be carried across real life zip lines or similar transportation across a taut line with some vessel carrying goods. If The weight of items wanted to be taken into consideration then considering the fact that there is already other forms of higher tier rope with tier 3. That would be perfect. Or you could combine multiple spider silk rope together like is done in real life with various types of rope and steel cable.

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