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Here are a couple suggestions I was thinking. 
1. Some sort of cart to carry items around the yard. Rather than just moving stem pallets around it would be nice to have a small wheel barrel or garden cart that you could take around with you to gather items. Perhaps it has a set amount of slots in it. 
2. Would love to see some sort of creature that was specifically tamable to be used as a transport mount. My suggestion would be a Walking Stick. It can climb certain objects, but doesn’t move the fastest. It’s main attraction would be to take on journeys to use as a carrying mount. Perhaps it can hold up to 12 slots. 
3.Other types of creatures in the game such as beetles, moths, butterfly’s, grasshoppers, crickets. I’d also love to see a 2 person flying mount such as a dragonfly. But have it be low on stamina so it can cross the map in a single flight or perhaps it has lower defense. 
4. I would also love to see weather effects. Perhaps a sprinkler system installed in the yard. Every so many days it rains. This would open new opportunities for new items like a rain collector. I would even love to see hazards like maybe a garden snake or even a weed eater that targets set locations. Maybe you have to build a metal fence section around your base to “deflect” the weed eater from destroying any property. 
5. Would love to see more furniture and base décor to make your backyard abode feel all the more cozy.
6. I get the idea that this backyard experience has just happened to 4 individuals. So, the idea of custom characters are out the the picture but it would be nice to be able to edit them with new outfits, hairstyles, etc to make them more unique to us or add a few more characters to be able to pick from. 

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